學年 103
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2014-12-01
作品名稱 日本不登校特區現況與核心理念實踐
作品名稱(其他語言) Present Status and Practice of Core Values in Japan’s Special Truancy Zone in Japan
著者 王美玲
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 臺灣教育社會學研究 14(2),頁73-107
摘要 不登校特區提供學生於正式學校以外的學習場所,特區內得以申請放寬學習指導要領的課程規定,擴大出缺席時間的標準,讓許多富地方特色的另類教育理念得以實現,不僅是解決學生不登校問題的方法,也是促進地方教育改革發展的政策。但是不登校特區在正名合法化後卻沒有任何地區學習效法之,日本政府也未針對特區制定任何後續配套措施,因而造成特區的成效未能順利推廣至日本全國。 然而不登校特區中所推動的多元的學習場所與特定學習模式,不僅成功降低了不登校比例,也讓我們瞭解復學不再是解決不登校問題的唯一目標,應該多方面考量學生與家長的需求,建構多元化的教育學習管道。不登校特區的經驗除了喚醒我們應該正視學生不去上學的問題之外,更昭示著若能有效結合體制內教育政策改進以及體制外教育的實務執行,教育改革的步伐與成效將更加顯著。 The Special Truancy Zone is a venue providing alternative education to students outside of the normal school system. This district has a moderate amount of flexibility to modify curricula and attendance requirements in order to implement alternative education concepts and fit local needs. It is intended to function not only as a solution for students with high rates of absenteeism in the normal school system but also as a policy to drive educational reform at the local level. However, the Japanese government has not formulated any subsequent measures to define and regulate special truancy zones, with the result that it has not yet been possible to extend the effectiveness of this zone to the rest of Japan. The curriculum instituted in the special truancy zone could serve as a valuable reference when considering ways of reducing truancy rates. It helps us realize that multiple learning channels to fit varied student demands are an important part of the solution, and getting students back to school is not the sole answer. The experience and example of the Special Truancy Zone clearly indicate that an effective fusion of educational policy modification and alternative educational practice can deliver significant effects in educational reform.
關鍵字 日本;不登校特區;另類學校;復學;IT學習課程;Japan;special truancy zone;alternative school;return to school;IT learning curriculum
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1680-2004
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 王美玲
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/107526 )

SDGS 優質教育