學年 104
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2016-03-01
作品名稱 統一速達:利用組織與策略創新維持競爭優勢
作品名稱(其他語言) Using Organizational and Strategic Innovations to Achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantage: The Case of President Transnet Corp
著者 黃振豊; 鄭佳綾; 孔繁華; 李明昀
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 產業與管理論壇 18(1),頁116-134
摘要 本個案探討統一速達如何利用組織與策略創新以維繫企業競爭優勢。統一速達自2000年將宅急便引進台灣後,因為憑藉良好的服務與遍及全台的代收據點,又值網路及電視購物市場興起,營收節節高升。然而,近年來面對營運成本大幅增加,加上競爭者虎視眈眈地以低價搶食市場,以及電視購物台與其他大型團購業者議價能力日益提高,出現宅配價格及淨利率持續下滑的警訊。統一速達在腹背受敵的情形下,持續調整經營策略目標並積極布局,建置完善的運輸網絡與提升理貨效率,藉由不斷發展創新業務提供差異化服務,創造更好的客戶體驗,以建立起品牌忠誠度,維持其產業龍頭的地位。 This case study explored the organizational and strategic innovations employed by President Transnet Corp. to maintain its competitive advantage. President Transnet is a Taiwanese delivery service with an island-wide network of service points. The introduction of TA-Q-BIN (door-to-door delivery) service via the Japanese firm in conjunction with the emergence of online and TV shopping led to enormous growth in revenue. However, the company has recently encountered a sharp increase in operational costs, fierce competition, and the growing bargaining power of large nonstore retailers. As a result, the delivery charges and net profit margin of TA-Q-BIN service have dropped. Nevertheless, President Transnet has continued to modify its operations and actively work towards building a comprehensive transport system and improving its efficiency in freight forwarding. Through continuous development and innovation, President Transnet has gradually transformed consumer habits and created better customer experience in order to cultivate brand loyalty and maintain its leading position in the industry.
關鍵字 宅配產業;持續競爭優勢;策略定位;策略創新;home delivery;sustainable competitive advantage;strategic positioning;strategic innovation
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1995-8234
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 孔繁華
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/107004 )