Fluidity, Recovery of Place, and Dialectics of the Global and the Local in the Era of Globalization
學年 102
學期 1
發表日期 2013-10-26
作品名稱 Fluidity, Recovery of Place, and Dialectics of the Global and the Local in the Era of Globalization
作品名稱(其他語言) 全球與地方的二元辯證——全球化時代地方的流動性與復蘇
著者 黃逸民
會議名稱 第三届海峡两岸生态文学研讨会=The 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on Environmental Literature
會議地點 Shandong, Ji’nan, China
摘要 隨著烏淑拉·海瑟的扛鼎大作《地方感知與全球感知》出版問世,全球環境主義幾近一夕間推翻了地方環境概念的論點。海瑟所提出的"生態世界主義"影響特別深遠,許多生態批評家高呼建構全球環境論述的同時支持"生態世界主義"的概念。本文試圖論述全球與在地兩者之間互補性的重要,認為兩者的關系在全球環境主義的討論中不容忽略。正如嘉桑諾所強調的,隨著全球環境主義的興起,再次探討在地的概念尤其重要。近年來,探討"在地"的概念蔚為風潮,相關議題包含逐漸受環境殖民主義抹去的"在地"與"地方性"。筆者同意貝克的觀點,認為分配不均是現行地球上最重要的環境問題。地方政治仍然是反對抽繹化的主要力量,借以抵御帝國主義經由新殖民和全球商業利益對地方展開的行政操控。古巴迪的作品提出文化記憶的觀點,強調地方情感的維系,以此批判海瑟的生態世界主義。席娃提醒世人警惕全球企業犧牲生物多樣性從而產生單一文化的危險,本文認同這一觀點,認為在地化才是全球環境主義和民族精神的根本價值。 With the landmark publication of Ursula Heise’s Sense of Place and Sense of Planet,global environmentalism seemed to topple local environmental arguments almost overnight.Heise’s influential term and concept of "eco-cosmopolitanism," in particular,has been embraced by many ecocritics in their call for global environmental discourses.In this paper,I want to argue that mutual complementarity between the global and the local,a relationship noted by Ulrich Beck and Sheila Jasanoff,should not be ignored in the discussion of global environmentalism.The rediscovery of the local brought about by the rise of global environmentalism emphasized by Jasanoff is worth our careful attention.Recognition of this is evidenced by a recent revival of the interest in the "local," including the related issue of the erasure of "local" and "place" by environmental colonialism.I agree with Beck when he points out that inequality is the earth’s most important environmental problem.A politics of place is still essential to opposing and resisting the abstract and imperialist administrative control of the "place" by neocolonial,corporate global interests.In support of my claim,I’ll draw on the work of Axel Goodbody and his emphasis on our affective ties to a local place from a perspective of cultural memory in his critique of Heise’s eco-cosmopolitanism.I’ll also enlist the arguments of Vandana Shiva,especially where she warns of the danger of monoculture at the expense of biodiversity caused by corporate globalization and when she insists that localization is the basis for a true planetary environmentalism or earth democracy.
關鍵字 全球化;在地化;生態世界主義;地方政治;文化記憶;地方情感維系;globalization;localization;eco-cosmopolitanism;politics of place;cultural memory;affective ties to a place
語言 en
會議性質 兩岸
研討會時間 20131026~20131027
國別 CHN
出處 第三届海峡两岸生态文学研讨会論文集

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/107305 )