學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-09-01
作品名稱 斷層帶上設置掩埋場之相關法規研析與退縮距離探討
作品名稱(其他語言) Study on the Setback Distance and Requirements for Landfill Site Located within the Fault Zone
著者 黃富國; 高思懷; 李明國
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 地工技術=Sino-Geotechnics 133,頁87-98
摘要 本文旨在探討斷層對掩埋場之影響及設置法規要求。首先蒐集國內外相關法規及文獻進行研 析,並對國內外案例資料進行探討,最後綜合彙整專家會議之結論,提出法規修改的建議。在法規 研析方面,國內外建築或土地管理法規顯示,活動斷層附近多列為限制發展區域,或者規定一定的 退縮距離;而案例探討結果顯示,活動斷層錯動及其引致的地震,確實對掩埋場設施產生若干程度 的影響及損害;本文最後綜合專家會議之意見,活動斷層方面,建議採用衛生掩埋法處理之掩埋場 可訂立50至60公尺的退縮距離,而採用封閉掩埋法處理之掩埋場可訂立60至100公尺的退縮距離, 若活動斷層位置被掩覆或推定者及存疑性活動斷層,退縮距離加大二分之一,供主管機關修訂相關 法規參考,以降低可能風險;非活動斷層方面,則建議逕採工程措施方式,以解決潛在之地質問題 及預防可能之污染滲漏。 The influence of fault on the sitting of landfill and its requirements are investigated in the study. Both of the internal and external laws, standards, researches and cases were surveyed. The performances of landfills during past earthquakes were also investigated. In addition, expert conferences had been organized to discuss the theme. Finally, some suggestions for amendment of relevant code were proposed in the study. The results of case studies showed that both earthquake-induced surface ruptures and displacements by fault-slip could cause some damages to facilities of landfills. The landfill site around the active fault is usually specified as a restricted development area or stipulated a setback distance in most managed laws of building or land. The specialists of expert conference recommend that it is properly for Taiwan EPA to revise its administrant law. On the aspect of active fault, a setback distance ranging from 50 to 60 meters for sanitary landfill, 60 to 100 meters for security landfill is proposed. One half distances should be added if the location of fault zone is unclear. On the aspect of non-active fault, the engineering measures should be adopted to overcome the potential geological problems and to prevent leakage and pollution of underground waters.
關鍵字 掩埋場;斷層;退縮距離;法規;landfill;fault;setback distance;code
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1023-0327
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 黃富國
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/106019 )