學年 104
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2015-12-01
作品名稱 大專跆拳選手運動傷害與防護之分析
著者 王元聖; 王俊傑; 許夆池
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 運動教練科學 40,頁1-17
摘要 目的:探討2014年全國大專院校運動會跆拳道選手在訓練或比賽時的運動傷害,其透過瞭解傷害造成的因素,達到預防的效果,強化選手自我保護的觀念並增進運動的表現。方法:於2014年5月15日至21日在雲林縣立體育館對所有參賽選手發放「運動傷害調查表」共644份,回收400份,有效問卷355份,回收率89%。結果:一、自覺運動傷害受傷原因(受傷原因):男性以人物撞擊為主占85.7%,女性以過度使用居多占86.3%;二、運動傷害防護(傷害防護):整體運動傷害防護自我勝任能力,防護能力高占整體46.8%,防護能力低占整體16.3%;三、訓練與比賽受傷害情況:兩性均以下肢占多數,受傷類型男性為挫傷、女性為扭傷;比賽時最嚴重的受傷類型,兩性均以挫傷為主;四、參賽組別、跆拳道年資、熱身時數、訓練時數、教育程度之各項變數對受傷原因具有顯著性的差異;年齡、BMI、參賽組別、跆拳道年資、熱身時數、訓練時數之各項變數對傷害防護具有顯著性的差異;五、基本資料、受傷原因及傷害防護間部分有顯著的相關;六、基本資料、受傷原因能有效預測防護能力。結論:訓練或比賽時嚴重的碰撞是造成跆拳道選手下肢傷害的主要因素,但過半數的選手擁有良好的防護能力卻缺乏自我保護的行動力。 Purposes: To investigate the sports injury suffered by Taekwondo athletes of the 2014 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games during competitions and training, hence by understanding the cause of injuries, we can provide injury prevention methods to provide the concept of self-protection for athletes and thus improving sporting performance. Methods: A survey was conducted by giving out 644 self-administered Sports Injury Questionnaires to athletes from 15th May 2014 until 21st May 2014 at Yunlin District Stadium. 400 questionnaires with 355 effective questionnaires were recovered (89% recovery rate). Results: 1. The self-recognition for cause of sports injury: Collision based injury was more common for males at 85.7% while overuse injuries were more common among females at 86.3%; 2. The sports injury prevention: For the self-competency of sports injury prevention, 46.8% had high prevention knowledge, while 16.3% had low prevention knowledge; 3. Injuries sustained during training and competitions: On the average, most injuries suffered were at lower limbs, and the majorities of injuries suffered by males were contusions and sprains for females; the most serious type of injury suffered during competitions are contusions for both males and females; 4. The variables that affect the cause of sports injury were competition category, involvement year in Taekwondo, warming up time, training time, education background; In contrast, the variables that had effects on the sports injury prevention were age, BMI, weight category, involvement year in Taekwondo, warming up time, training time; 5. Basic information, cause of injury, and injury prevention ability had relationships at certain parts; 6. Basic information and cause of injury can effectively predict the ability of injury prevention. Conclusion: Serious contusions to the lower limbs were the main cause of injury for Taekwondo athletes during training or competition. However, more than half of the athletes had good prevention abilities but lacked the motivation for self-protection.
關鍵字 訓練法;運動傷害防護;動作技術;Training methods;Sports injury prevention;Movement techniques
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1818-2801
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/106036 )