學年 104
學期 1
發表日期 2016-01-29
作品名稱 聚乳酸/聚羥基丁酯摻合物熱裂解及生物可分解行為
作品名稱(其他語言) Studies on the Thermal Degradation and Biodegradability of Poly(lactic acid)/Poly(hydroxybutyrate) Blends
著者 李庭樞; 朱國福; 董崇民
會議名稱 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會
會議地點 台南, 台灣
摘要 在環保意識提倡的時代,人類開始意識到環境永續的重要性,因此具有生物可分解能力的材料逐漸受到大家的重視。聚乳酸 (Poly(lactic acid),PLA) 是一種脂肪族聚酯類的生物可分解高分子,由於它的生物可分解性及生物相容性,因此受到各界廣泛的注意。本研究以聚乳酸為主材料,加入了不同比例的聚羥基丁酯 (Poly(hydroxybutyrate),PHB),此為另一種生物可分解材料,利用微生物發酵萃取所得,因此在生物分解能力上較其他可分解材料來得好,本研究之目的即希望藉由PHB的添加使PLA/PHB摻合物擁有更加的生物分解能力。除此之外,PLA和PHB兩者的相容性以及其機械性質的影響也是需要探討的部分。   實驗結果顯示和PLA相比,PLA/PHB摻合物的玻璃轉移溫度隨著PHB的添加而下降,表示兩者間有一定程度的相容性,在PLA/PHB組成比例為95/05時,其斷裂拉伸率能從PLA的4.41%上升至6.16%。表示雖然PHB為高結晶性材料導致其性質又硬又脆,但是將少量的PHB加入至PLA進行摻混時還是能提升材料的塑性。此外,本研究亦嘗試將馬來酸酐(Maleic anhydride, MA)和具有長疏水鏈的十八烯基琥珀酸酐 (Octadecenyl succinic anhydride, ODSA)添加至PLA/PHB摻合物中,結果顯示ODSA的加入對於PLA/PHB摻合物(組成為90/10和80/20),都有較好的斷裂拉伸率,分別為6.92%和6.44%。在熱裂解溫度上也能有效的增加至少10°C以上。此外,本研究以Proteinase K酵素進行生物分解實驗,結果顯示PHB的加入的確能讓摻合物的分解能力上升,經過4天後其重量損失率能從PLA的7.25%上升至PLA/PHB摻合物(95/05)的13.0%,將近快了兩倍,表示PHB的加入對於PLA的生物分解速率的確是有幫助。 Biodegradable materials have gradually been focused some attension because they began to realize the importance of environmental sustainability. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is a aliphatic polyester and a biodegradation polymer due to it’s biodegradable and biocompatibility which have attracted great attension. In this study, we blended PLA with Poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) in different proportions (100/0, 95/5, 90/10, 85/15, 80/20, 70/30, w/w). PHB is a typical biodegradable thermoplastic polymer produced by microorganisms and has environmentally-friendly We hope it could have a good compatibility, mechanical properties and biodegradability in PLA/PHB blends. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of PLA/PHB blends decreased with increasing amount of PHB, which indicates that both blend systems are partially miscible systems. The elongation at break was increased from 4.41% to 6.16% by amount 5 wt% PHB. In addition, we try to use the chemical modifier, Maleic anhydride(MA) or Octadecenyl succinic anhydride(ODSA) add to PLA/PHB blends. The elongation at break was increased in 6.92% and 6.44% by amount 10 wt% and 20 wt% PHB. Thermal degradation temperature of PLA/PHB/ODSA is also greater than PLA/PHB blends at least 10 °C. Finally, PLA/PHB film has weight loss which from 7.25% (PLA) to 13.0% (PLA/PHB 95/5) in enzymatic degradating test. Adding 5 wt% PHB could accelerate the degradating rate.
關鍵字 聚乳酸;聚羥基丁酯;摻合物;酵素分解;蛋白酶K;PLA;PHB;Blends;Enzymatic degradation;Proteinase K
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20160129~20160130
通訊作者 董崇民
國別 TWN
出處 第三十九屆高分子學術研討會

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/106765 )