Rafael Cadenas, un poeta venezolano contra la barbarie
學年 103
學期 2
發表日期 2015-05-30
作品名稱 Rafael Cadenas, un poeta venezolano contra la barbarie
著者 José Ramos
會議名稱 Actas del XLIX Congreso Internacional de La AEPE
摘要 Venezuela is a South American country that is going through a very hard crisis in political, economical and social issues. Since 1998, the “Chavista revolution” has lead the country to a “barbarian” situation. In fact, Venezuela is not a democracy but a dictatorship controlled by Cuba’s communist government. That country with such political and economic problems has also one of the more vigorous, innovating, and important poetic traditions of Spanish American, although this superb poetry is not very known abroad. Rafael Cadenas (1930), currently the greatest and most famous Venezuelan poetry, and a strong candidate to win the Cervantes Prize (the most important literary prize in Spanish language), has becoming a symbol of the political opposition against Chavista government, and he is too an outstanding example of the aesthetic, ethical and political obligation of a poet with a critical situation. 中文: 委內瑞拉正經歷一場慘烈的政治,社會和經濟的十字路口。十五年的“查維茲革命”已使該國陷入險惡野蠻的狀況中。以前委內瑞拉最出名的是取之不盡,用之不竭的石油資源和全球選美比賽中獲勝的女性,今天委內瑞拉實際上是一個殘酷的獨裁主義國家,與古巴的卡斯楚相同。但委內瑞拉也有西班牙裔美洲.拉斐爾,卡戴拿(Rafael Cadenas)(1930),目前國內最大,最有名的委內瑞拉詩歌和強有力的候選人贏得了塞萬提斯獎(在西班牙語中最重要的文學獎),已成為對查維茲政府的政治反對派的象徵,他是過了一個危急的情況詩人的審美,道德和政治責任的傑出典範。
關鍵字 Rafael Cadenas;poesia venezolana;chavismo
語言 es
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20150530~20150530
國別 ESP
出處 Actas del XLIX Congreso Internacional de La AEPE, pp. 325-334

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/106729 )