學年 104
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2015-11-01
作品名稱 家庭照顧責任態度對長期看護保險需求之影響初探
作品名稱(其他語言) Family Caregiving Responsibility on Demand for Long-term Care Insurance
著者 曾妙慧; 黃彥彰
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 上海保險 11,頁15-24
摘要 由於人口結構、家庭結構、疾病類型及國家責任等之變遷,長期照護已被視為社會風險,且成為21世紀各國政府及國民必須面對及處理之重要風險課題。臺灣在長照社福體系尚未建制完成前,面臨前述風險問題衝擊下,照護需求已無法完全由家庭負擔,潛在長期照顧需求所帶來的財務風險,將成為臺灣民眾必須面對的重大議題。 本文以大台北地區保險從業人員為研究對象,並進行問卷調查。問卷分為三個部份,第一部份為人口統計變項、第二部份為個人對於長期照護之風險認知量表、第三部份為個人家庭照顧責任之態度量表。相關資訊蒐集後,就「人口統計變項」、「長期照護風險認知」及「家庭照顧責任認同態度」對於「商業長期看護保險購買需求」進行交叉分析,並問卷內容分門別類進行探討。 研究顯示,人口統計變項方面,「年齡」與「教育程度」對於長期看護保險購買需求,具有顯著差異。風險認知中,「年齡與失能現況之風險認知」及「險種保障性質差異之認知程度」為影響長期看護保險之需求因素。家庭照顧責任分析中,「子女世代」之「承擔態度」與「父母世代」之「體恤態度」,對於長期看護保險之購買意願,有顯著關聯。 根據上述研究結果,對提出下列建議, 一、加強「失能現況」及「險種保障性質誤解」等二方面宣導。 二、從家庭照顧責任之承擔態度,潛移默化民眾觀念。 三、強調「體恤下一代的觀念」,在行銷策略上選擇從體恤觀點激發消費者同認感。 Long-term care has been regarded as social risks due to the following,the transformation of demographic structure,family structure,form of disease,and national responsibility.It’s also has become an important risk issue to every national governments in the 21st century.Before long-term care welfare system has not been formed comletetly in Taiwan,the care needs can not entirely by the family burden in the face of the impact of the long-term care risks.The potential financial risks arising from long-term care needs, has become a major issue people must face in Taiwan. This research is base on the insurance practitioners living in Taipei City for the study, and a questionnaire survey. There are three sections, the first is the analysis of demographics,tht second is the perception scale for risk of long-term care,the last is the attitude scale for family caregiving responsibility. After gathering the relevant information,We cross analysis of the relevant factors, and analyze the content categories to research. According to the research,the following conclusions: 1.Age and education make the demand for long-term care Insurance significantly different. 2.Risk perception of disability and guarantee differences between long-term care insurance and medical insurance is the factors of demand for long-term care insurance. 3.Bear attitude and compassionate attitude with the demand for long-term care Insurance is significant differences.
關鍵字 長期看護保險;家庭照顧責任;Long-term Care Insurance;Family Caregiving Responsibility
語言 zh
ISSN 1006-1320
期刊性質 國外
通訊作者 曾妙慧
國別 CHN
出版型式 ,紙本

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