學年 104
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2015-09-01
作品名稱 建築如何形塑城市?台北都市地景的演進個案
作品名稱(其他語言) How Architecture Shaped the City: Evolution of Urban Landscape in Taipei
著者 黃瑞茂
出版者 中華民國全國建築師公會雜誌社
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 台灣的建築文化1975-2015 ,170-175頁
摘要 随着都市过程的推衍,台北市从旧市街往外扩展,不同时期的作用力透过街廓新的重划与建筑物的填充,将台北打造成一个“食衣住行”的紧凑城市.本文关注于响应都市生活的建筑机能,以及台北市的都市设计操作机制,探讨建筑如何形塑城市的课题 Along with the development of urban process, Taipei's historical center has expanded to the periphery in correspondence with different agencies via redistricting land and the establishment of new buildings. it has turned out to become a compact city which is convenient for basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter and transportation. This article is about how architectural functions respond to the metropolitan livelihood, and the mechanism that took place in the subject of urban design in Taipei. The discussion topic will focus on how architecture shaped Taipei city.
關鍵字 都市設計;建築類型;都市形態;台北市
語言 zh_TW
ISBN 9789579226332

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