On the Poetic Forms of Sidney’s Sonnet 108
學年 103
學期 2
發表日期 2015-05-30
作品名稱 On the Poetic Forms of Sidney’s Sonnet 108
著者 王緒鼎
會議名稱 2015年北京大學,淡江大學,太原理工大學外國語言文學研討會
會議地點 太原理工大學
摘要 This paper studies the poetic forms of Sidney’s Sonnet 108 by focusing on its sharply contrasting structural pattern. The paper applies some concepts of New Criticism that emphasizes the organic unity of form and meaning in literary works, especially in poetry. The organic unity of form and meaning of Sonnet 108 is accomplished by using “complex tropes and images such as metaphor, symbol, irony, and paradox” (Ryan 5). The whole sonnet is based on the pattern of sharp contrasts, and the sharp contrasting pattern develops in two ways: the horizontal way and the vertical way. The horizontal way is formed with parallel polarizing antonyms, antitheses and contrasting images, while the vertical way is structured with an axis of both up-down and down-up images. In either way, the sharp contrasting pattern skillfully leads to the important final paradox, fully shown in the concluding couplet. This final paradox that is artistically developed in the first three quatrains and clearly shown in the final couplet demonstrates the logically convincing result in form. It is also a brilliant example to show the organic unity of form and meaning of the poem because the whole sonnet expresses Astrophil’s conflicting emotions of sorrow and joy of love which will never materialize, nor will it die in his deep heart; thus it will surface and resurface without a definite conclusion, and so it forever leaves Astrophil’s love to a vulnerable open situation without any seeable and possible accomplishment. So Sidney’s sonnet sequence ends with Sonnet 108, but the movement of his sorrow-love and love-sorrow will definitely continue without an end. 本研究探讨架构效应与模糊效应对决策偏好之影响。采用实验设计,操弄“信息陈述用语(正面陈述与负 面陈述)”与“信息模糊程度(精确信息、大区间模糊与小区间模糊)”。实证结果发现,受试者对或有负 债会计处理之决策判断会受到信息陈述用语之影响,采负面陈述时受试者会计处理较为保守。本研究未发现显著之模糊效应,且大区间模糊与小区间模糊对会计判断之影响亦仅出现于正面陈述组。
關鍵字 Sir Philip Sidney
語言 en_US
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20150530~20150531
國別 CHN
出處 2015年北京大學,淡江大學,太原理工大學外國語言文學研討會論文摘要

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