學年 102
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2013-11-01
作品名稱 臺灣原住民立法委員代表行為之研究:2002~2012之質詢內容分析
作品名稱(其他語言) Representative Behavior of Indigenous Legislator in Taiwan: A Content Analysis of the Floor Questions between 2002 and 2012
著者 包正豪
單位 淡江大學全球政治經濟學系
出版者 臺北市:政治大學選舉研究中心
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 選舉研究=Journal of Electoral Studies 20(2),頁103-136
摘要 本文以2002到2012原住民籍立委的質詢發言內容為分析資料,來分析其問政內容是否代表其所認知選民的利益,從而驗證規範性之描述性代表理論的主張是否成立。同時也嘗試透過對質詢議題次數與內容取向的變遷分析,尋找影響變遷的可能原因。研究結果顯示,「族群代表性不足會影響沒有國會代表之原住民族的權益」的情形,並未發生。現行制度雖無法徹底保障原住民族的「描述性代表」,卻有「實質性代表」的現實。所選出的原住民代表並無狹隘的族群意識,而以「泛原住民代表」自居,在質詢問政行為上呈現關照全體原住民利益的趨勢。同時,本文也發現,原住民立委所關注的議題取向會受到選區與政黨的影響,而有所不同,但原則上都與「被代表者」(原住民)的利益相關,而也具體回應了被代表者需求。 This research focuses on representative orientations and representative behaviors of Taiwan's indigenous legislators. By analyzing the contents of their proposed bills (1993-2008), the researcher would like to answer the following questions. Do these indigenous legislators represent their respective constituencies? Or they speak for the all Taiwan's indigenous peoples or just for their own people. If the indigenous legislators do not represent their respective constituencies, the next question is how to demarcate the existing indigenous district system to make the indigenous district system more reasonable and fit indigenous people's need. Furthermore, this research also would like to discuss the relationship between indigenous representative orientations and indigenous representative behaviors. Moreover, the research want to answer what the crucial factors to affect indigenous legislators' representative behaviors are.
 The research findings are as following:
 1. Affected by electoral competition, the indigenous legislators tend to respond to ”electorate's interest”. However, to these indigenous legislators, the referred ”electorate” is not confined to the voters registered in their respective constituency but all indigenous voters. In other words, Taiwan's indigenous legislators regard themselves as the representative of the all indigenous peoples.
 2. The establishment of Council of Indigenous Peoples and the tramformation of Indigenous Social Movement are two crucial factors to affect indigenous legislators' representative behaviors.
 3. The numbers and contents of the bills proposed by indigenous legislators are highly affected by the political parties and the constituencies they belong to. Mountain indigenous legislators are more active than Plain-land indigenous legislators and indigenous legislators elected from proportional representation system. Furthermore, the legislators of Non-Partisan Solidarity Union are more active than other political parties'.
 4. 93.3% of the bills are proposed by 10 indigenous legislators, which emphasized on indigenous education, economic development in indigenous area, autonomy of indigenous peoples, reserved land ownership and natural resource management, and compensation.
關鍵字 原住民; 描述性代表; 實質性代表; 代表行為; Indigenous people; Descriptive representation; Substantive representation; Representative behavior
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1025-7551
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 包正豪
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/96138 )
