學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 比較探討日本戰前期報紙與臺灣日治時期報紙『台彎日日新報』新聞條目與廣告表現結構相關
作品名稱(其他語言) A Comparative Study of Article and Advertising Expression-Structure Correlations between Japanese and Taiwan Newspaper in Prewar Tern of Modern Age Japan
著者 落合由治
單位 淡江大學日本語文學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-070
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 歐美的談話・文章研究,注重言語與溝通的關係、言談成立的観点。相對地日本的 文章・談話研究,注重文章内部的結構。在此風潮之下,木下是雄(1981)站在修辭觀 點上,重視文章内部結構而提出「事實陳述」與「意見表達」差異性主張。與木下是雄 (1981)所提的「事實陳述」與「意見表達」的論說同出一轍,永尾(1992)、工藤(1995)、 野村(2000)等人紛紛提出文章内部的結構要素可分出兩大類之論說。由此可見,日文 文章基本的構成要素,是由二個要素所組合成的。 鑒於上述優良研究成果,意圖將之活用於媒體研究之上。目前媒體研究對象多設定 在19 世紀、20 世紀、現代等各不同時代,逐步發展而來。然而以媒體表現為考察対象 的研究相對地少。 因此本次研究計畫案選定近代媒體形成時期的報紙《朝日新聞》《読賣新聞》與臺 灣日治時期報紙《台灣日日新報》當文本,分析其報導條目與Visual 要素為主的廣告表 現相關。報紙《朝日新聞》《読賣新聞》為從日本明治期到戰前期著名代表性報紙,而 《台灣日日新報》則是台灣殖民時期重要研究文獻、本次研究計畫案企圖從中考察出因 表達的內容不同,在新聞文章表現的基本結構與Visual 要素為主的廣告表現相關,各有 不同的特色。 The text discourse research of Europe and America seriously considers communication activity. On the one hand, the text discourse research of Japan has observed to the qualitative constitution inside text. With viewpoint of rhetoric, Kinoshita (1981) who is observed to the internal configuration of composition distinction of " fact" and "opinion" was raised. From viewpoint of text discourse research, Tokieda Motoki put out the thought of the "qualitative standardized body". Succeeding that, Matsunaga Shinichi (1971), Hanibe Hiroshi (1972), Nagao Syoso (1975), Nagano Masaru(1986) point out the qualitative difference inside text. This research applies an outcome of a text study until present to a study of media. A study of media until present has been performed every the 20th century each time from the 19th century, but there are a lot of parts where it's still un-explicating for the study I disqualified for an expression of media. As mentioned above, this research proposal is chosen for the news paper “Asahi Shimbun”, “Yomiuri Shinbun” which modern Japanese media were formed and “Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpou” in the Taiwan Japan government age, and will compare and research the expression structure of the media articles which thought objectivity as important, and the advertising mainly concerned with the Visual element. The “Asahi Shimbun” and “Yomiuri Shinbun” are typical newspapers of the Meiji term in Japan to the Showa term, and “Taiwan Nichinichishinpou” is the important research resource of the Taiwan colonial days. With this research proposal, two different expression structures of media article and advertisement are contrasted, and relations with the structure between newspaper text expression and advertising which is mainly concerned with the Visual element are considered. And each special feature is clarified.
關鍵字 日本近代媒體; 報導條目; 廣告; 《朝日新聞》與《読賣新聞》; 《臺灣日日新報》; Modern Japanese media; Article; Advertising; “Asahi Shimbun” and “Yomiuri Shinbun”; “Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpou”
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103083 )
