學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 水下無線聲波感測網路之媒介存取控制暨繞徑協定研究與策略
作品名稱(其他語言) Study and Strategies on Media Access Control and Routing Protocols in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
著者 石貴平
單位 淡江大學資訊工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2628-E032-001-MY3
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Underwater Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks (UWASNs). 本計畫為三年期之個別型計畫,目標為『水下無線聲波感測網路之媒體存取控制暨 繞徑協定研究與策略』。在水下環境中,感測器透過聲波進行資料傳輸,但聲波有高傳 播延遲之特性,故適用於無線電波之協定,必定不適用於水下無線聲波感測網路。本計 晝針對水下無線聲波感測網路的特性,依據不同的應用,發展通訊協定與其應用。 第一年的計畫之内容,以分析高傳播延遲特性,在設計媒體存取控制協定時所造成 的影響,並設法克服此特性之影響。第一年的目標為: ■ 探討因高傳播延遲時間之特性所產生不公平性:高傳播延遲時間的特性使通訊時具 有空間不確定性與時間不公平性的現象。因此分析探討如何降低此兩特性之影響。 ■ 分析與設計Random Backoff機制:Random Backoff為無線傳輸資料時,常用的 避免傳輸碰撞機制,但此機制因高傳輸延遲,不適用於水下無線聲波感測網路。本 計畫將針對此機制進行分析與設計。 ■ 水下頻寬利用率之探討及媒介存取控制協定之設計:高傳播延遲的特性使得頻寬利 用率不彰,本計畫將探討節點進行資料傳輸時,整體網路頻寬利用率情形,並設計 一能夠有效提升頻寬利用率之媒介存取控制協定。 ■ 水下網路Network Allocation Vector分析與設計:陸上無線電波使用之Network Allocation Vector抑制可能影響傳輸的節點,但此機制在水下網路無法有效運作。 本計畫將針對NAV機制進行分析、探討與設計。 第二年的研究計畫部份,以網路層協定為主,並輔以模擬實驗,第二年計畫目標為: ■ 在網路層方面,深入研究為達到不同應用需求所設計之各種水下路由協定:為了提 升Data Collection的效率,本計畫希望藉由多方面水下特性的考量,設計代傳節點 挑選機制,符合不同應用之需求。 ■ 利用網路模擬器以及水下聲波感測器進行效能評估、實測與分析:以NS-2模擬器 進行模擬,並驗證所設計之協定,是否能適合水下網路所使用,以便設計的協定可 有最佳的效能。 第三年的計畫,以水下網路之應用與資料蒐集為目標,探討使用水下自動化無人載 具解決資料傳送成功率低下之問題。第三年之目標為: ■ 探討與設計如何使用水下自動化無人載具有效幫助Data Collection之運作:水下 自動化無人載具可幫助進行資料收集,但如何規劃無人載具之運作,也是個需要深 入探討之問題。 ■ 以TDMA-based進行Data Collection方式探討:回傳蒐集資料時,可能因傳輸碰 撞導致效能不彰,因此適用於水下環境之TDMA-based Data Collection,可避免碰撞 並提升效能。 ■ 利用水下聲波感測器進行效能實測與分析:實作部份將先測試聲波模組,將其開發 到現有無線感測器上,測試所設計之協定,並實作無人載具巡迴收集海面上之資料 蒐集點之資料。 本計畫期望能開發適用於水下感測網路之相關協定,並藉由模擬與實做,評估並修 正所設計之協定,使本計畫所開發之協定與技術,能夠符合本計畫預期目標。 The project is a 3-year personal project. The title of the project is "Study and Strategies on Media Access Control and Routing Protocols in Underwater Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks (UWASNs)". In underwater environments, sensors have to transmit data in acoustic manner. However, data transmission in acoustic manner has the characteristic of high propagation delay. As a result, protocols which are suitable for transmission with radio frequency are not likely to be utilized in underwater environments. The project will develop different protocols in different layers according to the properties of underwater environments. In the first year, the project will try to analyze the characteristics of high propagation delay. Besides, we will design MAC protocols while considering the characteristics of high propagation delay. The goals of the project in the first year are: ■ The analysis of unfairness caused by high propagation delay: The characteristics of high propagation delay makes transmission uncertain and unfair. Therefore, we will analyze the characteristics of high propagation delay and try to lower the effects when designing MAC protocols in UWASNs. ■ The analysis and design of Random Backoff mechanisms: Random Backoff is a mechanism to avoid transmission collisions in wireless environments. However, Random Backoff is not suitable in underwater environments. The project will analyze and design new Random Backoff mechanisms suitable for UWASNs. ■ The analysis of bandwidth utilization and the design of MAC protocols in UWASNs: The characteristics of high propagation delay make the channel utilization poor in underwater environments. The project will discuss the channel utilization in different aspects. Besides, we will also design new MAC protocols which are capable of increasing the channel utilization. ■ The analysis and design of Network Allocation Vector in UWASNs: The mechanism of Network Allocation Vector is working well in wireless environments with RF. However, the mechanism of Network Allocation Vector is not suitable for transmission in underwater environments. We will discuss the Network Allocation Vector mechanism in the first year of the project. The goals of the project in the second year are to design routing protocols for UWASNs. Besides, the designed protocols will also be evaluated in the second year of the project. ■ The research and design of routing protocols for different applications in UWASNs: In order to increase the efficiency of data collection, the selection of forwarding nodes in UWASNs will also be discussed in the second year of the project. In order to meet the requirements of different applications, different factors will be considered when designing routing protocols. ■ The analysis, measurement, and evaluation of the performance in UWASNs by using NS-2 network simulator: We will simulate and evaluate the designed protocols by using NS-2 simulator. According to the results from the evaluation, we can improve the proposed protocols. The goals of the third year in the project are to design protocols for data collection in UWASNs. Besides, using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in UWASNs is also considered in the project. The main topics of the third year in the project are: ■ The research and design of AUV-based data collection in UWASNs: AUVs can help gather the sensed data in UWASNs. However, how to schedule AUVs in UWASNs is also a research issue to be further discussed. ■ The research and design of TDMA-based data collection in UWASNs: Data transmission collisions might happen when nodes return the sensed data. As a result, the network performance is likely to be poor. A well-designed TDMA-based data collection mechanism can decrease the number of transmission collisions and increase the network performance. ■ The measurement and analysis of performance by using real underwater sensors: We will attach the acoustic module to sensors. Besides, we will also implement the proposed protocols on sensors to evaluate real performance of the proposed protocols. The project will analyze and design MAC and routing protocols for UWASNs for data collections. Besides, evaluations and implementations will also be performed in the project.
關鍵字 Network Allocation Vector (NAV); Medium Access Control (MAC); Routing; Data Collection; Underwater Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks (UWASNs)
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102809 )
