學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-01-01
作品名稱 核能技術主軸專案計畫-核能溝通與公民諮議研究(II)
作品名稱(其他語言) The Study on the Communication of Nuclear Power Issue and Public Deliberation (II)
著者 王居卿; 戴敏育; 韓釗; 李月華
單位 淡江大學企業管理學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-3113-P032-001
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 According to conclusions of the “National Energy Conference 2009”, nuclear power is a transient option for Taiwan move forward to a “low-carbon society”; however, there are several concerns about management of nuclear safety in Taiwan. To facilitate our people’s understanding of nuclear power and participation in making nuclear policy, this study, by referring to UK public deliberation model, carries out a literature review of related laws and regulations such as the Freedom of Government Information Law, Administrative Procedure Act, Basic Environment Act, and Four Energy Acts for conclusion and logic inference, through objective secondary data (including essays, documentation records, public data and local or foreign related regulations) and advisory from experts and scholars, to seek an optimal study of public deliberation promotion procedure that conforms with the national conditions and the will of the people. Besides, by discussing and combining opinions of stakeholders, this study is also intended to establish a policy discourse supporting reasonable use of nuclear power as a reference basis for government authorities to make and promote policies related to nuclear power. It is expected, in three years, to complete the examination of laws and regulations on public deliberation, expedition of the optimal study, establishment of nuclear-related issues and policy discourse, and experimental implementation of comprehensive public deliberation activities. Through communication of nuclear-related issues and fulfillment of public deliberation, we look forward to promoting nuclear policy making quality, enhancing public support, developing professional competencies, and upholding democratic and legal values as well as maximizing social education. 根據「98年全國能源會議」結論,核能為我國邁入「低碳家園」的過渡選項,但國內對於核電安全之管理及使用多有疑慮。為使國人瞭解核能並能夠參與核能政策之擬定過程,本研究參考世界主要國家(美、英、日等)之公民諮議與溝通模式,並透過客觀的次級資料(包括學術期刊論文、文件紀錄、公開數據、媒體新聞、國內外相關法規等)、專家學者意見諮詢、及與各利害關係人的溝通去收集資料,再進行歸納與邏輯性的推論,以尋找出合乎國情之公民諮議推動程序最佳化模式。然而,自2011年3月11日之日本福島核災事件後,我國政府亦重新檢核能問題並提出新的核能政策--;基此,本三年期的計畫原先鎖定在公民諮議的議題,但因政策的修正,本第二年的主軸將修正為「以核能溝通為主、公民諮議為輔」,亦即第二年的工作內容將聚焦在「與核能有關的利害關係人進行溝通」。最後將利害關係人之意見予以整合,建立完整的合理核能使用的政策論述,提供政府相關單位研擬與推動核能政策的參考依據。整體而言,本計畫預計於三年內完成靜態的公民諮議之法規探討、進行程序最佳化研究、建立核能關鍵議題相關政策論述,及動態的與有關的利害關係人進行溝通,期藉由核能議題的溝通與公民諮議落實,提昇核能政策決策品質、提高核能政策之民意支持度、培養民眾的專業素養,對於民主法治兼具社會教育功能。
關鍵字 核能; 溝通; 公民諮議; 政策論述; 利害關係人; Nuclear Power; Communication; Public Deliberation; Policy Discourse; Stakeholder
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103179 )
