以群體TOPSIS為基礎的整合互動行為決策模型之建構(I)期末報告 | |
學年 | 101 |
學期 | 1 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2012-08-01 |
作品名稱 | 以群體TOPSIS為基礎的整合互動行為決策模型之建構(I)期末報告 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | An Implementation of the Integrated Interactive Behavioral Decision Model Based on Group Topsis |
著者 | 時序時 |
單位 | 淡江大學管理科學研究所 |
描述 | 計畫編號:NSC101-2221-E032-019
 研究經費:730,000 |
委託單位 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
摘要 | The proposed research aims to implement an integrated interactive behavioral decision model based on group TOPSIS so that a robust decision can be made. The model will integrated interactive approach as a platform for obtaining necessary decision information, and considering qualitative data, prospect theory for human behavior, internal consensus about attributes’ weights with multi-dimensional scaling, statistical tests and simulation, and preference aggregation among the group (outer consensus). Group TOPSIS was developed by Shih et al. (2007) with an internal aggregation of separation measures for a stable decision. Later, Shih (2008) introduced an incremental analysis from engineering economy to group TOPSIS, and the ranks of alternatives can be easily identified with a stable ranking order. Recently, Shih (2011) initializes interactive approach for TOPSIS so that the PISs and NISs can be flexibly adjusted, and the phenomenon of the same rank can be eliminated. Since these developments are separated, the project tries to integrate many mentioned contents with the developments, and gives a total solution for problem-solving in the real-world. We hope that the proposed integrated model have a potential for a better and robust decision in the future. 近來許多基於授權之可攜式漫遊通訊系統認證協定被提出,以提供通訊安全、完整性、不可偽造性、不可否認性與不可鍊結性或是匿名性。然而不可否認性是利用採用的代理簽章法所提供的,但是採用代理簽章法並非是強代理簽章法,所以主網域有相同的能力偽造可攜式系統的代理簽章。由此可見,不可否認性的前提是假設主網域必須是公正可信的,但是此一假設是不切實際的。為移除此一假設,本計畫的構想是當主網域在授權可攜式系統時,無從得知可攜式系統的授權公鑰的相對密鑰。因為不可鍊結性關係,可攜式系統的授權公鑰必須經常變動,如何在不安全的無線通訊環境中,交換授權公鑰申請書與主網域授權認證,必須設計具有匿名性與機密性的同時簽章協定,並保護授權公鑰申請書與主網域授權認證的機密性,這是本計畫的第一年研究目標。第二年研究目標在於利用第一年的成果,提出具有不可鍊結性與公平性的基於授權之可攜式漫遊通訊系統認證協定,但不可任否認性無須假設主網域是公正可信的。 |
關鍵字 | 多屬性決策;群體TOPSIS;互動式方法;TODIM;VIKOR;展望理論;統計檢定;質化指標;共識度量;決策支援;Multi-attribute decision making;Group TOPSIS;Interactive approach;TODIM;VIKOR;Prospect theory;Statistical tests;Qualitative data;Consensus measure;Decision support |
語言 | zh_TW |
相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103144 ) |