學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 311東日本大震災後的日本文學的發展趨勢--「變」與「不變」之間(II-I)
作品名稱(其他語言) The Development Tendency of the Japanese Literature after the 311 East-Japan Great Earthquake: between Changing and Eternalizing
著者 曾秋桂
單位 淡江大學日本語文學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-087
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 311 東日本大震災後的日本文學的發展趨勢--「變」與「不變」之間— The development tendency of the Japanese literature after the 311 East-Japan great earthquake: From view point between "changing" and "eternalizing" 浩劫餘生的日本國民,在面對2011 年3 月11 日東日本大震災如此大災難之際,內 心深處真的如電視畫面傳達出這麼處變不驚嗎?素有內斂聞名的日本國民,內心到底怎 麼想?心中又如何詮釋這一夕之間降臨的自然災難?有人提出浩劫當前,文學無用武之 地,更不該於此時此刻談論緩不濟急的文學。本人想法剛好相反。本人認為此時此刻人 心越脆弱之際,更須透過文學作品來獲得慰藉,重燃新生的勇氣。此時此刻留下的作品 才能真實記錄遭逢巨變的日本國民內心的真正想法。此非常時期的共同記憶所編織的複 數的文學作品,可以閱讀、品味出日本人的真正心情。又311 之後的日本國民的行為模 式、價值觀、金錢觀、人心等所反應出的日本文學的發展趨勢為何?日本國家整體的復 興、重建,不也意味著日本人心靈的的復興、重建。甚至可以說是311 東日本大震災後 日本文學之復興、重建。而當在復興、重建的趨勢當中,與日本文學的傳統相較之下, 又有多少的「變」與「不變」的交疊重生呢?它與日本文學的傳統之間,產生的「變化」 與「一貫不變」的關係又是如何?此類課題的研究,可以幫助前瞻日本文學,剖析日本 人面臨浩劫的心情與態度。亦有助於了解復興、重建後的日本人心的重要課題。 The development tendency of the Japanese literature after the 311 East-Japan great earthquake: Between "changing" and "eternalizing" How have the Japanese caught to the East Japan great earthquake on March 11, 2011 in the their real intention? How do the Japanese recognize such a big natural disaster? It seems with it being general that literature is not helpful to a catastrophic disaster. However, this research proposal will think that just when people's heart is weak conversely, people think that it can rise by the comfort by literature. It is an interesting subject how the literary work of this time is drawing the psychology of the people who recorded the huge disaster and faced it. I would like to realize that the literary works which the joint memory in this emergency brought forth are just true Japanese feelings, and to explain how the behavioral pattern of the Japanese after 311, the sense of values, the money view, etc. influenced Japanese literature with this research proposal. Revival and reconstruction of the Japan can also be said to be revival of the Japanese literature after a 311 East-Japan great earthquake, and reconstruction. By this research proposal I would like to realize that what change has happened in movement toward such revival and reconstruction, compared with the tradition of Japanese literature? I would like to solve the relation of "changeing" and "eternalizing" in such literature. And I would like to catch the Japanese feelings and attitude against a disaster from the viewpoint of Japanese literature by this research, and to solve a Japanese subject
關鍵字 311東日本大震災; 日本文學; 發展趨勢; 變; 不變; The East Japan great earthquake
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103077 )
