學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 無人飛行載具分布式多單晶片微控制器飛行控制系統設計
作品名稱(其他語言) Design of a Distributed Multi-Microcontroller Flight Control System for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
著者 蕭照焜; 馬德明
單位 淡江大學航空太空工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2221-E032-012
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 This research investigates the development of a distributed multi-microcontroller flight control system for a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The flight computer and other avionic systems and instruments are connected over an I2C (inter-integrated circuit) data bus with the flight computer as the master micro-controller. The system thus forms a networked control system. Time delay problem is inevitable when information is transmitted between the micro-controllers. Thus, in this research we will develop a networked control system for a UAV with focuses on the time delays. Both state feedback and output feedback networked control systems will be investigated. Model-based controller is adopted in this design. The plant model is used to simulate the plant behavior during the periods when sensor data are not available. When the controller receives the sensor data that were transmitted by the sensor a period of time ago, a propagation unit is employed in the control system to propagate the sensor signals instantaneously to the present time. The estimate is then used to update the model that in turn will generate the control signal for the plant. Thus we can avoid operating the plant in open loop control for a long period of time. After the completion of the design, the control system will be evaluated using the flight simulator X-Plane and MATLAB Simulink tool. 本計劃探討以單晶片微控制器為核心,並搭配飛行時所需之感測器與航電儀器,架構無人飛行載具分布式多單晶片微控制器飛行暨航電系統。各單晶片微控制器之間透過I2C通訊介面建構成一個網路控制系統。系統含多個微控制器,資料傳遞時,無可避免的會有時間延遲的現象產生,因此計畫的重點是設計一個考慮時間延遲的分布式多微控制器之飛行控制系統。我們將分別探討含時間延遲之狀態回授與輸出回授網路控制系統。此控制系統是以動態模式為基礎的網路控制系統,當控制系統沒有收到感測器之資訊時,則以系統動態模式來產生系統狀態資訊,並據以產生控制命令,另外當控制系統收到感測器之資訊時,此資訊到達控制時已延遲一段時間,此時我們透過設計一個資料傳遞單元來模擬時間延遲後的即時系統狀態,並用來更新動態模式之系統狀態,使控制系統不至於一直處於開迴路之控制狀態。我們也將利用商業飛行模擬軟體X-Plane以及Matlab Simulink來做模擬及驗證。
關鍵字 單晶片微控制器; 網路控制系統; 時間延遲; 無人飛行載具; single-chip micro-controller; network control system; time delay; UAV
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103070 )
