學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 國家安全研究之建構與實踐:以美、中集體身份認同模式分析國家安全政策為例
作品名稱(其他語言) The Constructing of National Security Study and Its Practice: a Analysis of National Security Policy under the Us-China Collective Identity Model
著者 翁明賢
單位 淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-056
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 The project application Wendt’s (Alexander Wendt) social constructivism "as the dominant interest" argument, and Finnemore (Martha Finnemore) the norm of acts of state influence in the study, proposed a sovereign into the culture of governance national security policy analysis framework, and the United States from the Cold War to post-Cold War national security policy of the Chinese construction process as a case study to verify the structure of the two main propositions: First, the international non-government cultural trends depends on the structure and the concept of enemies, competitors, friends, what are three roles in the system occupying a dominant position, the participation of international norms will shift decision-makers and professionals of national identity and interests, thus contributed to the national systems and policies change. Other words, the international concept of structure as "the invisible hand of market", to guide the mode of interaction between actors and social process. Second, in addition to the above structure and specifications subject to the constraints, the country's sovereign rule and cultural decision-makers is the subjective perception of the decision affecting the interests of national identity and an important factor in the order and the rule of sovereignty and cultural identity under the guidance of - the interests of recognition, a further feedback to non-government culture, both the construction of each other, to promote a collective identity within the country for the generation of change, and shaping national policy as different. Therefore, the focus of this study and the post-Cold War through the Cold War, the United States-china in the system level factors (Hobbes, Locke and international non-governmental cultural norms constraints) and unit level factors (cultural sovereignty and identity of the ruling affects) construct each other under a variety of national collective identity and national interests of the judge for the seminar, and this effect in the United States national security policy-making process in the role and impact of national security policy in order to verify the feasibility of the analytical framework, improve building and rationalism between dialogue and integration, and national security policy-making to make a positive contribution. 本計畫應用溫特(Alexander Wendt)社會建構主義「身份主導利益」論點,及芬尼莫爾(Martha Finnemore)有關「規範」(Norm)內化對國家行為影響之研究,提出一個融入主權統治文化的國家安全政策分析架構,並以美國從冷戰到後冷戰時期對中國的國家安全政策建構過程作為個案分析,以驗證此架構的兩個主要命題: (四)第一,國際無政府文化的觀念結構和趨勢取決於敵人、競爭者、朋友三種角色何者在體系中占得主導地位,國際規範的參與亦會轉變決策者與專業精英的國家身份認同與利益觀,進而促成國家制度及政策之變化。易言之,國際觀念結構就如「市場上那隻看不見的手」,引導著行為體之間的互動模式及社會化進程。 (五)第二,除受上述結構及規範的制約外,國內主權統治文化決策者的主觀認知是影響國家身份認同和決定利益順序的重要因素,且主權統治文化引導下的身份-利益認同,將再反饋到無政府文化中,兩者相互的建構,促使國家集體身份內化面向產生變化,而形塑出不同的國家政策作為。 (六)因此,本研究的重點為透過冷戰及後冷戰時期,美、「中」在體系層面因素(霍布斯、洛克無政府文化及國際規範制約)與單位層面因素(主權統治文化及身份認同之牽動)相互建構下,國家集體身份多種內化面向和國家利益判斷的研討,及此作用在美國國家安全政策制定過程中扮演的角色及影響,以驗證此國家安全政策分析架構之可行性,增進建構主義與理性主義間之對話與統合,並在國家安全政策制定上做出實證的貢獻。
關鍵字 建構主義; 國際規範; 國家利益; 美中關係; 國家安全政策; Social constructivism; International Norm; National Interests; National Security Policy; US-China Relations
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102979 )
