學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 現代日語語法之否定句型研究-以Voice(態)為中心
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study of Negative Sentences in Modern Japanese: with a Focus on Voice
著者 林青樺
單位 淡江大學日本語文學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2628-H032-002
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 “Voice” is the grammar category which is derived from the classic Greek and means the subject is the agent or the object of the event. The previous published research on “Voice” in modern Japanese all made a thing of positive sentences. The subject of this research is “A Study of Negative Sentences in Modern Japanese: With a focus on „Voice‟ “, and try to analysis the negative sentences of potential sentences, spontaneous constructions, passitives, benefactive sentences in order to research in the meaning and function of those sentences that wouldn‟t be found by examining positive sentences. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to define the meaning of potential sentences, spontaneous constructions, passitives, benefactive sentences those come under “Voice”, and the issues are :1. The borderline between potential sentences and spontaneous constructions. 2. The borderline between possible potential sentences and actual potential sentences. 3. Negative sentences of passives, which may be interpreted with potential meaning with benefactive sentences. First, classify those sentences based on different sentence structure and characteristic of events. Then, analyse the meaning of potential sentences, spontaneous constructions, passitives, benefactive sentences gathered from novels and database, and from data collected through fieldwork with Japanese native speakers. Finally, define the meaning of those sentences by comparing with positive sentences to clearly define the difference and the position of the grammar category “Voice”. 所謂的ヴォイス(Voice),是源自於古典希臘語法的概念,主要是表示主語是主事行為的主體(主動態),或是接受行為的對象(被動態),而目前關於ヴォイス的研究,無論是探討其中的哪一種句型,或是探討ヴォイス的各種特徵,皆以肯定句為探討的對象。本研究計畫之主題為「現代日語語法之否定句型研究-以Voice(態)為中心-」,在此研究計畫當中,筆者嘗試以日語中的被動、使役、可能、自動詞句、他動詞句等表示Voice(態)的句型為研究對象,透過可能句型、自發句型、被動句型及授受動詞等各句型之否定及肯定句型之相互對照,探討分析其所描述之事象特徴及句型所表示的〈被動〉、〈可能(不可能)〉、〈自發〉等特質,期待藉由否定句的分析,得到肯定句裡所沒有的句意及功能,並探討各句型之間的相互關係及明確的相異處。 在本研究中首先針對Ⅰ.可能句型與自發句型之間的界線,Ⅱ.潛在可能句型與實現可能句型的界線,Ⅲ.被動句型否定句的問題來探討。這次的研究計畫案不同於以往,以分析否定句型為出發點,是因為筆者在這幾年研究可能句型當中,察覺到表示〈不可能〉的句型句意及構造比想像中複雜得多,進而確認了日語語法的諸多研究學說後發現,許多的語法問題都是以肯定句為研究對象,否定句由於牽涉的層面較為複雜(例如:否定的焦點、否定的範圍(スコープ)等等),目前為止在探討語法的問題時並未有太多針對否定句型作的研究。而本研究的分析觀點將依句型種類(肯定句與否定句、已實現(タ形)及未實現(ル形))及動作主體的人稱、動詞之意志性及界限性(telicity)等觀點來作分類,然後根據實際例句和以日語母語者為對象之田野調査的結果,分析各類型的用法和句意;最後,再透過和肯定句之對照比較,定義出各句型所表達之句意,以及將各句型在日語語法ヴォイス中的定位明確化。
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102935 )
