學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 平行的迷思?或全球信仰的共通源起?(IV-IV)
作品名稱(其他語言) Parallel Myths? or Common Origin of a Global Spirituality?
著者 賈瑪莉
單位 淡江大學西班牙語文學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-042
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 平行的迷思?或全球信仰的共通源起? (IV) 本人在此希望能向行政院科學委員會研究補助金,延續三年前未完成的長期研究 目前我已經於國際型研討會上發表一些相關研究主題的文章,但我仍然必須完成此一主題相關研究的書籍.因為資料繁多,本人已著手相關的研究工作.全球性的信仰是人類精神發展的源頭,本研究計畫藉由比較四種最普遍性的平行神話,與探討從古至今的宗教核心精神價值,以探討人類共同信仰的起源 I am applying to the National Science Council to finance one more year the research the Institution is already sponsoring from 2006.08.01 till 2007.07.31, from 2008.08.01 till 2009.07.31 and this year, from 2011.08.1, till 2012.07.31, since this is a long term project. Although I have partially published several articles and papers to international congresses related to it, the main book itself, which will include the whole research, has to be continued. I am already working on that research, due to the great quantity of information I am still gathering from a lot of parallelisms between the compared mythologies, all around the world. That is the reason why I am referring here to the same purposes I mentioned in the already sponsored project by that National Science Council. Much more ancient than the present tendency to the global economy and culture, the global religious believes were at the origin of the spirituality of the humankind. My research project focuses on the common origin of the religions of the humankind, by gathering and comparing the four types of the most universally and homogenously repeated parallel myths included at the central spiritual nucleus of the ancient and present religions.
語言 zh_TW

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