學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 視覺伺服控制機械手臂系統-子計畫五:遠近端操控系統與自然互動人機介面設計與實現(I)
作品名稱(其他語言) Design and Implementation of Remote/Local Operative Control System and Natural Interactive Human Robot Interface
著者 劉寅春
單位 淡江大學電機工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2221-E032-023
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 本計畫建立遠近端操控系統與自然互動人機介面設計與實現,主要分為四個子題:一、多機械手臂網路控制:研究內容為具區間時變延遲相依網路控制系統、同步化問題與共識演算控制法則;二、自然互動近端介面與虛擬工作平台:研究內容為模糊馬可夫人機互動機率模型,MSRDS虛擬工作平台與多機械手臂測試環境,多點觸控圖像介面;三、遠端手持無線與低功耗平台:研究內容為TS-CMAC, DS-CDMA功率控制與低功耗系統設計準則;四、自然互動遠端Lite Version介面:研究內容為手持觸控圖像與監控介面。此計畫擬兩年完成,規劃如下: 第一年(2012/8/1~2013/7/31)將針對多機械手臂系統之網路控制架構進行設計,並探討因網路控制所衍生的問題─時間延遲對系統所造成影響。另外,針對多機械臂工作之同步化問題,也將推導其LMI條件。在近端介面主要提供給管理者對機械手臂調整、控制、觀測與訓練,透過模糊馬可夫模組與貝氏類神經網路估測機器手臂動作與位置,並建立MSRDS虛擬工作平台模擬。因應第一年完成單隻機械手臂,可在虛擬工作平台模擬多機械手臂工作環境。 第二年(2013/8/1~2014/7/31)將針對遠端手持無線操控平台,考慮無線通信品質穩定性,擬利用TS-CMAC處理DS-CDMA功率控制問題。另外,低功耗對手持系統設計非常重要,因此提出低功耗設計準則。在遠端人機介面部分,則移植近端介面,並考慮遠端平台有限CPU運算能力加以簡化與通訊頻寬 We propose a two year project to design and implement a remote/local operation and moni-toring platform with natural interactive human robot interface for multiple cooperative ma-nipulators. The four main subtopics are as follows: i) local control platform – we consider networked control of multiple manipulators with a time-interval time-delay dependent model. Also, we derive LMI conditions for multiple manipulator synchronization and propose a consensus control algorithm; ii) local human robot interface – we propose a natural interac-tive interface based on a fuzzy Markov and Baysian model. Also, using MSRDS, we propose a constructing a virtual visualization of the task environment; iii) remote control platform – we consider a low powered wireless handheld platform, where a TS-CMAC power control of DS-CDMA system ensure the signal integrity of the wireless system. Also, low power de-sign guidelines ensure usage time of the remote platform; iv) remote the human robot inter-face – we strip the local HRI to a light version HRI to fit the computation and communica-tion bandwidth constraint of the remote platform. The detailed description of the two year plan is as follows. In the first year (2012.8~2013.7), we propose a networked multiple robot control archi-tecture which is advantageous three fold: i) takes advantage of mature Ethernet infrastructure; ii) more modularized; and iii) decentralized control architecture. In addition, a natural inter-active human robot interface based on a fuzzy Markov and Baysian model provides a user friendly which minimizes human brain load in complex tasks. A virtual visualization of the task environment further provided human operator help in ensuring efficiency and safety, In the second year (2013.8~2014.7), we design and implement a wireless handheld plat-form which ensures low power with wireless signal integrity. The TS-CMAC power control of DS-CDMA considers the practical case of time-varying delay in both forward and feed-back loop of the DS-CDMA system. Low power design guidelines based on prioritizing CPU usage of the remote platform enhances the usage time. Finally, all technologies this project presents will be developed from a modular point of view to provide the industrial manipulator ability to extend the task to multiple manipulator cooperation.
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102927 )
