學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 主動型與被動型企業社會責任之探討與管理
作品名稱(其他語言) The Exploration and Management of Proactive and Reactive Corporate Social Responsibility
著者 張敬珣
單位 淡江大學企業管理學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2410-H032-089-MY2
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 This study focuses on finding the antecedents and the consequences of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The first year research employs qualitative research to build up the second year and the third year research framework by the process of theory building. The first year research tries to divide CSR into “proactive CSR” and “reactive CSR.” The second year research utilizes quantitative research to explore the antecedents of CSR from “Institutional Theory” perspective. The study also proposes the four constructs, “top managers’ ethical leadership,” “corporate ethical culture,” “the ethical pressure from environmental regulations,” and “the ethical pressure from customers and suppliers” to verify there are positively associated with CSR. The third year research utilizes quantitative research to explore the consequences of CSR from “Resource-Based View.” The study explores the mediation effects of “green innovation performance” and “corporate image” among CSR and competitive advantage. Moreover, this study explores all of antecedents of CSR can generate the reactive CSR, but the top managers’ ethical leadership and corporate ethical culture can only generate proactive CSR. Proactive CSR also plays a more important role than reactive CSR with respect to the positive influence on the consequences of CSR. The research will engage both case study and questionnaire survey in order to satisfy both qualitative and quantitative methodology. 本研究為三年期之研究計畫,深入探究企業社會責任之「成因」(antecedents) 與「後果」(consequences)。第一年研究採取質性研究,透過「理論建立」(theory building)的過程,以紮根理論(grounded theory),試圖將企業社會責任分為「主 動型」(proactive)、「被動型」(reactive)兩種。第二年研究採取量化研究,以制 度理論(Institutional Theory)為依據,對於企業如何形成社會責任之「成因」, 進行相關探討。在制度環境中,透過社會規範、社會文化與法律規章等有形與無 形的約束力量,形成了企業社會責任,規範是藉由價值觀來引導著個人或組織的 行為,如此以符合了社會對於個人或組織的期望,譬如管理階層的倫理領導力; 而文化認知是藉由領域內的成員對於事物所共同的理解,以及視為理所當然的信 念與知識來引導著個人或組織的行為,如企業的倫理文化;而管制是以法令與規 則來呈現,如來自政府的法規壓力、來自顧客與供應商的倫理壓力。第三年研究 也採取量化研究,以資源基礎理論(Resource-Based View, RBV)為依據,探討企 業社會責任之「後果」,並以綠色創新績效為與企業形象為中介變數,探討企業 社會責任與競爭優勢之間的關連性進行探討。本研究將深入探討各構念,對於主 動型與被動型的企業,是否有不同程度的影響,並採用質性研究與量化研究的方 式進行,以達到研究方法上之交互驗證。
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102843 )
