學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 公私合夥的成因、採行及其成效評估之研究:邁向一個整合性架構
作品名稱(其他語言) The Antecedents, Organizational Adoption, and Outcome Assessment of Public-Private Partnerships (Ppps): toward an Integrated Framework
著者 曾冠球
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-049-MY3
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Two questions are posed in this research: (1) why public sector would like to adopt PPPs? (2) what are key factors that might affect the performance of PPPs? In terms of policy instruments, “indirect government” and “government by proxy” has prevailed since 1980 due to financial constrains in public sector. However, “partnership” conceptually is not equal to “contracting-out”, it is necessary to treat PPPs as an independent research field. According to initial literature review, the operation of PPPs can be based on multiple theoretical pillars, but ironically a criticism (e.g. Stephen P. Osborne) of PPPs is that the related researches seem to be ”atheoretical”, let alone an integrated framework. Plus, the knowledge of PPPs is mainly drawn from the perceptions of the public sector, and neglect, to a large extent, the viewpoints of the private sector. Finally, under the theme "PPPs", many prefer to conduct researches via case study and in-depth interview, and this is hard to generalize their findings. All these leave much room to improve and will also be reflect on our future research. 【Theoretical Bases and Research methods】In this research, divergent literature and multiple theoretical angles will be consciously combined together in order to construct an integrated framework for the purpose of inquiring the casual relationships among the “antecedents (i.e institutional pressure, market and transaction status, politics and institution, organization and management, and facilitation conditions)”, “organizational adoption”, and “partnership synergies (i.e. process performance, outcome performance)”. Methodologically, the term PPPs in this research specifically designates “private participation in infrastructure projects”, and five types such as BOT, BTO, ROT, OT, and BOO are included in these projects. Data will be collected through the website of Public Construction Commission Exceutive Yuan which can reveal the manager, whether in the public or in the private sector, in charge of the project, and the methods including in-depth interview, focus group interview, and questionnaire survey will be utilized. Approximately, six hundreds cases can be identified in the dataset mentioned above, and up to now it is relatively worthwhile to assess. In addition, the software such as MAXQDA、SPSS、AMOS will also be independently used to help carry out qualitative and quantitative data analysis. 【Expected Research Contributions】The potential contributions in this research can be at least divided into seven parts: (1) to understand the current status of organizational adoption of PPPs; (2) to find out what and how managers in public sector perceive the antecedents of PPPs adoption; (3) to explore what and how managers in public sector perceive the factors which might influence the partnerships synergies; (4) to compare the perception differences between public and private managers regarding the issue of those factors influencing the partnerships synergies; (5) to grasp what and how project managers in public sector perceive the partnerships synergies; (6) to uncover the perception differences between public and private managers concerning the issue of the partnerships synergies; (7) to formulate and validate the casual relationships between the antecedents and partnerships synergies based on the perceptions of public and private managers. 本研究主要問題有二:(1)為什麼公部門願意採行公私合夥? (2) 影響公私合夥推動成效的關鍵因素為何?從政策工具角度而言,1980 年代以來政 府財政資源日益短缺,導致「間接政府」(indirect government)、「代理政府」(proxy government) 運作模式盛行,但概念上,「夥伴關係」並不等同於傳統的「簽約外包」 (contracting-out) 模式,這構成了前者作為獨立研究主題的重要基礎。根據初步文獻回顧 的結果,公私合夥具有多元理論基礎,遺憾的是,西方學者 (如Stephen P. Osborne) 曾 批評這類研究成果過於「去理論化」,遑論致力於提出一套比較完整的分析架構。其次, 公私合夥的知識建構向來偏重在「公部門中心」的觀點,對於私部門廠商的認知似乎較少 觸及。尤有甚者,無論是國、內外,公私合夥的研究大多以個案研究或深度訪談方式進 行,其問題是深度有餘但廣度似乎不足,較難以進行大規模的推論與解釋,綜合以上因 素引領本研究未來的努力方向。 【理論觀點與研究方法】 本研究擬透過多重文獻來源(如公私合夥、BOT、簽約 外包、協力治理、跨部門治理等),以及多元理論觀點(如新制度論、資源交換與依賴 理論、交易成本理論、組織創新理論、官僚組織理論等),嘗試建立一套整合性的分析 架構,以探究公私合夥的「成因」(如環境壓力、市場與交易狀態、政治與制度、組織與 管理、促進條件等)、「組織採行」,以及「合夥綜效」(如過程績效、結果績效),期能補 強過去研究成果的不足。方法論上,本研究所謂的公私合夥指涉「民間參與公共建設」, 此等專案包括BOT、BTO、ROT、OT、BOO 五種類型;操作上,作者試圖透過行政院 公共工程委員會網站中「列管案件」專區,逐項查詢並彙整出進行中案件的主辦機關、得 標廠商資料,進而針對公、私部門的承辦人/主管進行深度訪談、焦點座談與問卷調查之 多元資料蒐集工作。上述案件目前初估約有六百筆,在公私合夥研究主題方面,堪稱是 規模較大且背景資料相對完整的資料庫。最後,有關質性與量化資料將分別運用 MAXQDA、SPSS、AMOS 等軟體進行分析。 【預期研究成果】 本研究預期貢獻至少有以下七大層面:(1)從公部門角度,瞭 解管理者如何評價機關採行公私合夥的情形?(2)從公部門角度,瞭解管理者如何認 知機關推動公私合夥的成因;(3)從公部門角度,瞭解管理者如何看待影響機關公私合 夥綜效的關鍵因素;(4)比較公、私部門管理者對於公私合夥綜效影響因素的看法;(5) 從公部門角度,瞭解管理者如何評價機關推動公私合夥的綜效;(6)比較公、私部門管 理者對於公私合夥成效的知覺;以及最重要的,(7)透過公、私部門管理者的知覺,建 立公私合夥成效評估的解釋模型。
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102828 )
