學年 101
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2013-06-01
作品名稱 針對高功能自閉症者之數位圖形化溝通訓練系統
作品名稱(其他語言) The Digital-Graphical-Based Comucation Training System for High-Functioning Autism
著者 周建興
單位 淡江大學電機工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC102-2622-E032-003-CC3
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Statistics show that approximately 30% of autistic children exhibit lifetime impairments in meaningful verbal communication. In addition, communication impairments can result in learning delays for autistic children. To improve the communication skills of autistic children, numerous relevant learning materials have been developed and employed. The two most commonly employed communication-related educational materials are paper keyboard and communication picture cards. Despite the convenience and portability of the two educational materials, they possess multiple deficiencies. For example, the paper keyboard and communication picture cards can be easily damaged or lost. In addition, because autistic children frequently have trouble remaining still, their fingers can easily shift when pressing the zhuyin buttons on the paper keyboard, causing disruptions in communication. Another disadvantage of picture cards is that their content is restricted to common life objects and, thus, cannot satisfy demands regarding newer objects or specific uses. For the parents of autistic children, the time and money spent producing communication picture cards can be extremely burdensome. Based on the above analysis, using tablet computers, we endeavored to design a Digital Image Communication learning system suitable for children with high-functioning autism. This system incorporates two software programs: a digital communication picture card and a digital zhuyin communication keyboard. The system differs from the traditional communication aids available for autistic children in that, as well as assisting communication; it provides autistic children and their parents with functions for learning and practicing verbal communication. Furthermore, this system employs a cloud server that enables parents of autistic children to upload and share their self-produced communication picture cards with other parents who have similar needs. Additionally, users of this software are not required to possess a specific level of computer knowledge; instead, they can simply select the download function in the software to obtain the communication picture cards shared by other parents. 患有自閉症障礙的幼兒,有超過三成以上的幼兒擁有口語表達的障 礙,許多自閉症幼兒終其一生無法使用有意義的語言來與他人進行溝通。 由於溝通能力的缺乏,也連帶地影響自閉兒在學習新事物時的障礙。為了 增進自閉兒溝通上的能力,坊間有不少協助自閉兒溝通的學習輔具,例如 紙鍵盤與溝通圖卡。然而這些輔具除了容易損毀或遺失,還有其他缺點。 以紙鍵盤為例,由於自閉兒經常坐立難安,常常發生在點選注音時,點到 一半手指就容易飄掉,而導致溝通間斷。而溝通圖卡的缺點就是內容僅侷 限於常用的生活事物,針對一些較新的事物、或是針對特定用途的需求, 都無法提供相對應的圖卡教材。因此許多家長必須自行製作相關的圖卡教 材,這也造成自閉兒家長時間以及金錢上沈重的負擔。 為了改良這些傳統的學習輔具,本計畫希望在平版電腦上,設計一套 適用於高功能自閉兒使用的數位圖形化溝通訓練系統。本系統將包含「數 位圖形化溝通板」與「注音溝通板」兩套軟體。不同於傳統自閉兒所使用 的溝通輔具,我們的系統除了要幫助自閉兒溝通,還希望在軟體中提供自 閉兒學習與訓練口語溝通的功能。此外,本系統也希望利用雲端伺服器, 讓自閉兒的家長可以將自己製作的溝通圖卡,上傳至伺服器分享給其他有 需要的家長。而此軟體的使用者也無須具備一定程度的電腦知識,只需要 在我們的軟體中,簡單的點選下載功能即可獲得其他家長所分享的溝通圖 卡。
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102798 )
