學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2013-01-01
作品名稱 我國國家安全會議的體制設計:缺陷與可能的改進之道
作品名稱(其他語言) Institutal Design of Taiwan's National Security Council: Its Flaws and Possible Improvements
著者 陳文政
單位 淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所
描述 計畫編號:NSC102-2410-H032-002
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 National Security Council or those apparatuses with similar functions deem vital in modern states for dealing with diplomatic, military and other national security issues. In Taiwan, after several changes in its name and assigned functions, the National Security Council (NSC) was at last legitimized in 1993 and modernized via organizational expansion and management reforms after 2002-2003. However, several institutional flaws -- mainly (1) legal constraints on the NSC authorized capacity, (2) unaccountable organizational design, and (3) over-clandestine organizational culture -- emerged. Compared with U.S. NSC, the general capacity of Taiwan’s NSC was much inferior on the grounds of its legitimacy was challenged, its interagency coordination was resisted, and its failure in providing policy vision and strategic guidelines. The necessity of NSC in Taiwan is beyond question. Its role in managing national security issues is more visible today. Therefore, this project, according to the above-mentioned flaws, will turn to focus on offering three key realms for future improvements, including (1) re-legitimization, (2) strengthen its organization and capacity, and (3) more legislative supervision. Some concrete proposals in reach realm will also be suggested. 國家安全會議或其他功能類似的機關是現代化國家因應外交、軍事等相關國 家安全事務的重要機構。在我國,國家安全會議歷經多次在名稱與功能上的改變 後,於1993 年完成法制化,並於2002-2003 年後透過組織的擴編與管理上的變 革後,形成今日國安會的風貌。然而,由於(一)法律對於國安會權能的限制、 (二)權責模糊的組織設計與(三)過於強調保密低調的組織文化等三個因素的 影響,使得我國國安會(一)在正當性上備受質疑、(二)跨部會協調整合的障 礙較大與(三)並未提供可資依循的政策願景或戰略指導文件,故在一般權能上 遠較美國國家安全會議為低。基於國安會設置的必要性與其在國家安全事務上的 角色日益重要,本研究計畫針對上述限制提出若干我國國安會日後的改進方向, 包括(一)再法制化、(二)強化組織與效能與(三)強化國會監督等三項,並 於各項中提出若干具體方案。
關鍵字 國家安全; 國家安全會議; 總統職權; 體制主義; national security; National Security Council; presidency; institutionalism
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102790 )
