學年 101
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2013-05-01
作品名稱 流域防災資訊整合之研究(1/2)
作品名稱(其他語言) Study of the Integrated Information System for Watershed Disaster Prevention
著者 蘇騰鋐; 江孟容; 虞國興; 陳佩竹; 蘇聖博; 彭怡惠; 蔡雅涵
單位 淡江大學水資源及環境工程學系
描述 計畫編號:MOEAWRA1020164
委託單位 經濟部水利署
摘要 We will strengthen the watershed disaster system, including meteorological phenomena analysis, Composite Warning Index, River Water level, Reservoir information, Water pump and Flood prevention equipment. We will restore a full database backup about the WRA system, including disaster water information and flood news in brief. The reservoir quick analysis will be studied. From the watershed rainfall distribution, the inflow of the reservoir will be estimated. The watershed disaster prevention on Ipad will be established. Using the integrated system, we can get real and correct information about typhoon and flood in the watershed disasters. The system information will be used and transmitted by WRA to policymaker during the typhoon and flood happen. 本研究將擴充流域防災資訊系統平台,包括氣象分析研判,綜合警戒,河川水位,水庫水情,抽水機及防汛器材等輔助決策模組,另外,本計畫亦將針對水利署防災應變資料庫進行備援,包括即時水情及淹水簡訊等資料庫。透過水庫水情快速推估之研究,可掌握全台重要水庫入流量情況,由水庫集水區降雨及入流量之研究,可快速推估水庫入流量。建置行動版(iPad)流域災害資訊整合展示平台,提供決策者在應變期間充分掌握颱風豪雨期間發生於流域內各項災害位置及資訊,強化防災應變期間對各種災害資訊之掌握,以因應氣候變遷對水利業務之衝擊。
關鍵字 流域防災; 資訊整合; 水庫水情; watershed disaster prevention; integrated information; reservoir information
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/101428 )
