學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2012-08-01
作品名稱 新型水旋風分離器之研發及其在微生物細胞濃縮之應用
作品名稱(其他語言) Development of Novel Hydrocyclone and Its Application on Microbial Cell Concentration
著者 黃國楨
單位 淡江大學化學工程與材料工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2221-E032-037-MY3
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Hydrocyclone is an efficient and economic centrifugal solid-liquid separator and particle classifier. Because it has many advantages, such as simple design, low capital and maintain costs, energy saving, high efficiency, low pollution, high capacity, etc., hydrocyclone is increasing its applications in many industrial processes in recent years. In order to apply hydrocyclone to fine chemical and electrical industrial processes, to study how to enhance its efficiency, to reduce critical cut-diameter and to increase separation sharpness are essential courses. In the first year of this project, hydrocyclones with diameters of 10 mm and 20 mm will be designed and produced for experimental tests. The effects of hydrocyclone geometrical factors on the separation efficiency will be well discussed. Based on the analyses using hydrodynamics and computational fluid dynamics, novel hydrocyclones with low energy consumption, high separation efficiency and high separation sharpness will be developed. The critical cut-diameter should be less than 5 μm under normal operations. In the second year, the effects of temperature, rheology and particle density distribution in suspension on the hydrocyclone performance will be studied. The hydrocyclone structure will be appropriately modified according to the suspension properties. In the third year, complex hydrocyclone systems will be integrated. After the analyses using experimental method and computational fluid dynamics, a numerical program will be established for simulating the performance of fine particle separation. The operations should be qualified by the criteria of low energy consumption, high separation efficiency and high separation sharpness. Finally, the research results will be extended to apply to the concentration of microbial cells. 水旋風分離器是一種省能源、低成本的分離技術,但若是要將其應用至高附加價值的精密產業,則如何提高其分離效率、降低臨界粒徑以及提高分離銳度將是重要的關鍵技術。在為期三年的執行期限中,本計畫擬研發高效能之水旋風分離器;探討懸浮液之溫度、流變行為及密度分佈對分離效率的影響;並進行複合式分離器之設計,以完成程序最適化。最後,將研發成果應用至微生物細胞之分離與濃縮。在本研究的第一年中,擬改良小型水旋風分離器的幾何結構,設計新式樣的裝置,以減小分離的臨界粒徑、減少能源損耗並提高分離的效率。期間擬設計、製作幾具水旋風分離器之原型,以實驗方法與數值模擬並行進行測試,預期分離之臨界粒徑可以達到5 μm以下,並歸納出水旋風分離器最佳設計之規範。在第二年中,為延伸新型水旋風分離器之應用範圍,擬探討懸浮液之溫度、流變行為與粒子密度分佈對分離效率的影響,並根據懸浮液性質適時修正分離器之設計,以符合低能量損耗、高分離效率及高分離銳度等標準。基於前兩年的研究成果,第三年的主要目的是進行高效能水旋風分離器之程序整合,開發一電腦程式進行複合式分離器之系統設計,將成果延伸應用至微生物細胞之分離與濃縮。在本計畫完成後,將完成高效能水旋風分離器之研發,並申請專利。
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/101417 )
