學年 102
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2014-06-30
作品名稱 學術知識產業化對科學家研究議題選擇之影響
作品名稱(其他語言) Project Selection by Academic Scientists under the Context of Academic Enterprise in Taiwan
著者 黃婉玲
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC101-2410-H032-015-MY2
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 在學術知識產業化的趨勢之下,從事科學研究的大學教師,除了教學與研究之外,也被期待要積極投入研發工作,透過科技移轉等方式,將科學發明轉換成具有商業價值的產品。然而,有學者憂心學術知識產業化的政策,可能降低科學家對基礎研究的興趣,轉而投入較具商業潛力的應用性研究,如此一來,可能會對長期科學的進步,帶來負面的影響。本計畫欲了解在學術知識產業化的脈絡之下,哪些因素會影響大學科學家對於研究議題的選擇;亦即,哪些因素導致大學科學家在提出研究計畫時,決定投入具有較高商業潛力但學術貢獻較低的研究議題? 透過文獻回顧,筆者假設大學科學家對於研究議題的選擇,取決於研究資源的多寡、學校的獎酬升遷機制、學校將研究成果商品化的能力、創業家的傾向以及學科領域的差異。本研究將針對大學科學家進行問卷調查,以蒐集所需之實證資料。在理論上,本研究有助於釐清學術知識產業化,與長期科學發展之間的關係;在實務上,預期能為政策制定者和大專院校管理者,就如何設計合宜的機制鼓勵科學家投入學術研究商品化,但卻不會轉移他們對於基礎科學研究的興趣,提供政策建議。 Under the context of academic enterprise, academic scientists are not only responsible for teaching and research, but are also encouraged to engage in research commercialization that further connect scientific inventions with economic development. However, some authors concern about the fact that the policy encouraging research commercialization may shift academic scientists’ interest from basic research to applied research, and will have negative effects on long-term scientific advancement. This proposal aims to understand determinants of project selection by academic scientists under the context of academic enterprise in Taiwan. That is, what factors motivate scientists to choose an application-oriented research project that may have high commercialization potential but low scientific merits? By reviewing relevant literature, it is hypothesized that project selection by academic scientists is determined by available recourses for research, incentive structures at universities, university’s patenting capacity, entrepreneurial propensity, and fields of science. A national survey on university scientists will be conducted to collect necessary data. This study will contribute to the literature by clarifying tension between research commercialization and long-term development of science. The findings should also prevent universities and policy makers from facilitating research commercialization at the expense of scientists’ interests in fundamental research.
關鍵字 學術知識產業化;大學專利;科技移轉;研究議題的選擇;research commercialization;academic enterprise;university patenting;technology transfer;project selection
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/101415 )
