學年 101
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2013-05-01
作品名稱 ZigBee防災監控系統研製
作品名稱(其他語言) Design and Implement a Disaster Monitoring System Based on ZigBee Technology
著者 潘孟鉉
單位 淡江大學資訊工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC102-2219-E032-001
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 Recently, Taiwan suffered many nature disasters including typhoons, heavy rains, earthquake, and so on. These disasters caused damages on people and environments. So a disaster monitoring and reporting system is very important for Taiwan. But, there are many different kinds of demands on monitoring different kinds of disasters in some environments (volcano, gas pipeline, mine, and so on) in other countries. The goal of this proposal is to develop a ZigBee-based disaster monitoring and reporting system for all kinds of demands. In our system, the network nodes can support regular monitoring and operate in low power mode to save energy. When there is an event, the nodes can quickly react to the event and report sensed data to the sink. We observe that the original ZigBee tree network is not suitable for developing the disaster system due to the restriction of the ZigBee superframe structure. When there is an event, the node in a ZigBee tree network cannot report lots of data to the sink. This will cause the network manager cannot know the event situations in real-time. Our design will overcome the above drawback in ZigBee tree network and can be backward-compatible to the original ZigBee tree network specification. In our scheme, devices have two modes: regular mode and event mode. Devices perform regular mode operations following the specification of the ZigBee tree network by default. However, when a device detects an event, devices nearby the event location change to event mode. In this work, we design tree formation schemes, slot assignment rules, and event mode operations to the disaster monitoring and reporting system. We propose heuristic tree formation algorithms and investigate how to reduce interferences by taking devices' nearby links into consideration. By our schemes, a device can obtain more slots (active portion) to support event data reporting. The designed slot assignment rules can fully utilize the available slots to support event data reporting without affecting other devices' regular reporting. The proposed distributed event mode operations can ensure the reliability of event reporting. In this project, we will not only do researches, but also implement our designed algorithms. We will also integrate the GeoSMS protocol (for emergency announcement) developed by ITRI in our system. We consider that we can be pioneers in the field of ZigBee disaster monitoring and reporting systems. 近年來台灣遭受到許多自然災害(颱風、豪雨、地震等)的侵襲,並且造成了相當多的 人員傷害以及自然生態之破壞,因此一個完善的防災監控與通報系統對台灣的社會是相 當重要的。而在國際的研究上,國外的學者對防災的系統有更加不一樣的需求,如活火 山監控,輸油管監控,礦區監控等等。本研究之目的為建構一個以 ZigBee 為基礎之防 災監控系統平台,此平台能夠支援於各種防災監控之需求,在平時,此系統平台之節點 操作於低功耗模式,並且能夠支援的生態監控工作,而當一有事件發生,所提出的系統 能夠快速的反應,並且即時地回報事件資料給一資料收集中心。 而我們觀察到,如果我們使用原本的 ZigBee 樹狀網路架構協定來建構一個防災網路 會造成當一個事件發生時,感測到事件的節點無法回報大量的資料給網路管理中心 (sink),而使得管理中心無法得知即時的事件情況。因此本研究即是要解決上述之缺點, 並且提出適用於防災系統之 ZigBee 通訊協定,並且所提出的運作機制必須兼容於原本 的 ZigBee 網路運作模式。 本研究設計一個防災系統架構,並且將網路節點的狀態分為正常模式與事件模式,平 時網路節點運作於正常模式,當一有事件發生時,網路節點則進入緊急事件模式來加快 回報資訊給管理中心。在本研究中我們深入設計下列三項技術細節:(1)適用於防災系統 的樹狀網路生成演算法:該生成演算法將探討該如何生成一個最少干擾的樹狀網路以利 事件模式之運作。(2)正常模式時槽以及事件模式時槽的分配演算法:該演算法除了要保 障能夠讓回報的延遲降低外,亦要保障當事件發生時,進入事件模式的裝置運作不會干 擾到還在正常模式下的裝置之運作。(3)事件模式裝置運作行為:網路中的裝置必須要配 合事件發生的現況來動態調整期運作之模式,並且要保障事件資訊可以快速地回傳到資 料中心。 本研究除了理論方面的探討外,也預計實做所設計之演算法,並且整合工研院的 GeoSMS緊急通報機制,我們期許本計畫能夠理論與實務兼顧,並且成為ZigBee防災網 路平台的尖端研究。
關鍵字 資料收集技術; 事件處理; 網路生成; 時槽分派; ZigBee; convergecast; event handling; network formation; slot assignment
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/101291 )
