Commercialization of University Inventions: Individual and Institutional Factors Affecting Licensing of University Patents
學年 103
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2015-02-01
作品名稱 Commercialization of University Inventions: Individual and Institutional Factors Affecting Licensing of University Patents
著者 Wu, Yonghong; Eric Welch; Huang, Wan-Ling
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 Kidlington: Pergamon Press
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Technovation 36-37, p.12-25
摘要 This paper conducts a unique study using the university patent as the unit of analysis to determine how individual and institutional factors affect the likelihood that a patent will be licensed. Using a 2010 national survey of academic scientists in the United States in which respondents were asked specific questions about 2006 patents for which they were listed as inventors, we find that the likelihood of licensing is significantly determined by individual factors including inventors׳ attitude towards commercialization of research, additional research conducted during patent review, and collaboration with industry scientists on the underlying research. Among institutional factors, university Technology Transfer Office׳s cost-saving measures positively influence licensing, but industry funding and TTO service effectiveness do not. We also identify two types of inventions: opportunity-based inventions are discoveries that are not foreseen patentable at the outset of projects; intention-based inventions occur on research projects that anticipate commercial outcomes before the start of research. Findings demonstrate that different individual and institutional factors contribute to licensing of these two different inventions. This study provides new insights into the process of commercialization of university inventions.
關鍵字 University invention;Research commercialization;Licensing;Patent
語言 en_US
ISSN 0166-4972
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SSCI
通訊作者 Wu, Yonghong
國別 GBR
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

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