學年 94
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2006-03-01
作品名稱 體能訓練介入對監所管理人員體適能、專項體能檢測結果之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) Research on Test Results of Physical Fitness and Particular Physical Conditions Interfered by Physical Trainings for Basic Management Personnel
著者 吳台二; 劉輝煌; 黃谷臣
單位 淡江大學體育室
出版者 中華民國運動教練協會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 運動教練科學6,頁85-94
摘要 研究目的:為探討法務部監所基層管理人員體適能、專項體能現況,經實施為期二個月,每週二小時體能與體適能教育訓練後比較其差異情形。研究方法:以法務部矯正司94年度儲備科員研習班男性學員共計153名為研究分析對象,平均年齡31.61±4.45歲、平均體重73.88±10.65公斤、平均身高172.32±4.78公分。實施體適能檢測項目包含身高、體重(身體質量指數)、體脂肪(體脂肪百分比)、坐姿體前彎(柔軟度)、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐(肌耐力)。專項體能檢測項目:手部肌力(左、右手最大握力)、背部肌力(背部軀幹最大拉力)、立定跳遠(瞬發力)、一分鐘伏地挺身(肌耐力)、折返跑4×10公尺(敏捷性)、1600公尺跑走(心肺耐力)等。將檢測結果以SPSS10.0統計軟體進行描述性統計及成對樣本t檢定等分析。研究結果:比較前、後測驗結果發現,除了在40公尺折返跑項目未達顯著性差異外,其他的檢測項目皆有明顯進步(P<.05)。研究結論:應於基層管理人員教育訓練期間安排適當的體能訓練相關課程,並建立評量機制以提升整體基層管理人員體適能、專項體能的表現對執行監所勤務的工作績效當有所助益。Research Purpose: To discuss the basic management personnel&apos;s physical fitness conditions who are working in prisons for the Ministry of Justice. We compared the differentiations after two months of physical fitness education and training. Research Method: The subjects of this research were 153 clerks-to- be of year 2005 from Department of Correction, ministry of Justice. The average age, weight and height were 31.61±4.45 years old, 73.88±10.65 kilograms and 172.32±4.78 centimeters. Subjects of physical fitness test include: Body component (height, weight), BMI, flexibility (sit-forward-bend), muscular endurance (one-minute sit-up); subjects of particular physical tests are: hands(maximum grip power for both hands), back(muscle strength), explosive power(stand-broad-jump), muscular endurance (one-minute push-up), agile(back-and-forth run 40 meters-4×10meters ), cardiovascular endurance (1600meters walk-run). The data gathered was analyzed with the SPSS 10.0 statistic software with ways of descriptive statistic and part t-test. The result showed that the affects of concentration training was better at flexibility, muscular endurance, explosive power, speed, agile, cardiovascular endurance, and had reached the critical differentiation (p<.05). Research Results: We found in the comparison of scores before and after the tests that except for the 40meter-back-and-fort-run that had not reached critical differentiation, other test subjects have had obvious progress (p<.05). Conclusion: It is helpful for the work efficiency to put appropriate physical fitness classes into educational courses and to create a evaluate system to promote the physical fitness and particular physical performance for the basic management personnel.
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1818-2801
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/41890 )
