An evaluation of customer relationship management in hospital-based and privately run nursing homes in Taiwan
學年 102
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2013-10-01
作品名稱 An evaluation of customer relationship management in hospital-based and privately run nursing homes in Taiwan
著者 Wang, Mei-Ling
單位 淡江大學企業管理學系
出版者 Abingdon: Routledge
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 24(9-10), pp.1004-1021
摘要 This study evaluates the implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) in nursing homes in Taiwan. A total of 615 respondents from 30 hospital-based nursing homes and 108 privately run nursing homes in Taiwan are analysed. The results indicate that these two types of nursing homes emphasise different CRM activities to build positive relationships with their residents. Hospital-based nursing homes put more emphasis on understanding resident needs and providing prompt care service via knowledge learning. Privately run nursing homes emphasise the designated components of CRM organisation and technology-based CRM for building relationship with residents. The management of these nursing homes should make effective use of such different advantages and resources to implement appropriate CRM activities more successfully.
關鍵字 customer relationship management;hospital-based nursing homes;privately-run nursing homes;Taiwan nursing homes
語言 en
ISSN 1478-3363
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SSCI
通訊作者 Wang, Mei-Ling
國別 GBR
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

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SDGS 良好健康和福祉