學年 102
學期 2
發表日期 2014-06-24
作品名稱 學校運動場館非使用價值經濟效益可行性評估之探討
著者 陳逸政
作品所屬單位 淡江大學體育事務處
出版者 台北市:台灣運動管理學會
會議名稱 2014 the 10th asian association for sport management conference
會議地點 Kaohsiung, Taiwan
摘要 Purpose: With the policy of “two days off a week” and the raise of education level, “leisure and sport” is popularized and being a part of daily life. Due to the subtropical rainy climate in Taiwan, the needs of indoor sport facilities are increasing. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the use-benefits of school sport facilities through Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) and was to examine the effects of non-use value benefits of school sport facilities, inducing the factors that it could not include the non-economic effects. Method:Through literary review, this study induced the factors that would affect the building sport facilities and attempted to find the possibility of applying CVM in this study. Results: Sport facility belongs to the public property, and its users include students, members of the faculty and staff, and community members. The aims of building the sport facility are related with the factors of education, leisure and recreation, and the need of good health. Users from different backgrounds with their own experience of using sport facility would affect their judgments of building the sport facility. Through questionnaire survey, CVM asked users their willingness to pay (WTP) and their willingness to accept (WTA). The common usages of the request for price quotation are open Q & A, competitive pricing method, payment card method, and binary choice method. The “inquiry and reply” are designed based on the habit of users; finally, the evaluation of overall effectiveness would be set through inquiry model, predicting the financial and non-financial effectiveness of sport facility. This evaluation would be submitted to the decision makers for their basis/references to build the sport facility or not. Conclusion: CVM has been widely applied in the evaluation of natural resources, leisure and recreation, and sport events. This study suggests that CVM could be applied in the evaluation of building sport facilities and find out the possible effectiveness through diverse method.
關鍵字 Open Q & A;competitive pricing method;payment card method;binary choice method
語言 en
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20140624~20140626
通訊作者 陳逸政
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出處 2014 the 10th asian association for sport management conference proceeding

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/98375 )
