Regional Convergence or Divergence in China? Evidence from Unit Root Tests with Breaks
學年 101
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2013-02-01
作品名稱 Regional Convergence or Divergence in China? Evidence from Unit Root Tests with Breaks
著者 Lin, Pei-chien; Lin, Chun-Hung; Ho, I-Ling
單位 淡江大學產業經濟學系
出版者 Heidelberg: Springer
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 The Annals of Regional Science 50(1), p.223-243
摘要 The validity of regional economic clubs requires that two conditions be met. First, per capita output between clubs diverges so that the poor region can hardly catch up with the rich one. Second, per capita outputs within each club converge to similar steady states. This paper applies unit root tests with endogenously determined structural breaks to demonstrate the existence of regional economic clubs among the Chinese provinces, based on a panel data set of real per capita GDP for 28 provincial units in China from 1953 to 2007. Our results show that regional economic clubs do exist in the Chinese case, thus reflecting the problem of regional growth divergence in China’s economic development.
語言 en_US
ISSN 1432-0592
期刊性質 國外
收錄於 SSCI
通訊作者 Lin, Pei-chien
國別 DEU
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

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SDGS 減少不平等