學年 101
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2013-05-31
作品名稱 大專學生體育課參與情形與體適能現況調查之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study of University Students Physical Education Course Participation and Fitness
著者 陳逸政; 李俞麟; 王傑賢
單位 淡江大學體育事務處
出版者 新北市:輔仁大學體育學系
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 輔仁大學體育學刊 12,頁86-110
摘要 目的:瞭解2010年全國大專校院84所學校學生體育課參與情形與體適能現況,並探討不同體育課必修制度的學校學生在體適能檢測之差異情形。方法:以問卷抽樣調查方式搭配實際檢測,利用集群抽樣方式針對全國大專校院84所學校進行體適能檢測與問卷調查。結果:大專男、女生每週上體育課的時間為1-2小時,男生有48.6%、女生則是36.1%喜歡體育課,學期中男生每週運動時間以2.5-3.5小時最多、女生則是1小時以內最多,男女生主要的運動地點為學校,男生以籃球項目、女生則是健走項目最多人參與;在體過能現況部分,整體而言,2010年大專學生的體適能比1999年大專常模呈現下降的現象,其中以4年必修體育課的學校體適能最佳,其次依序為3年必修、2年必修、免修體育課與1年必修體育課學校;在不同修課制度大專學生體適能差異分析上,不同修課制度大專男、女生在身高、體重、BMI、坐姿體前彎、一分鐘仰臥起坐、立定跳遠與1600/800公尺跑走部分有顯著差異,其中公立學校又顯著優於私立學校。結論:體育課為大專學生規律運動的主要時間,藉由規律運動進而維持學生基本體適能,建議從預防醫學角度而言,大學體育課應至少維持3年以上的必修制度,以便學生養成終身運動之習慣。 Purpose: To understand the circumstances of university students attending physical education course and the condition of physical fitness in the 84 universities of Taiwan in 2010 and explore the differences in the physical fitness test that students taking different compulsory physical education courses. Method: uses questionnaire sample survey and the actual testing for the research methods. Results: the average time of university boys and girls attend PE classes is 1 to 2 hours per week. 48.6% of boys and 36.1% girls like PE classes. The average exercise time of the most boys is 2.5 to 3.5 hours and exercise time for girls is under 1 hour. The main exercise location is school. Boys choose basketball and walking for the girls. In present time of physical fitness situation, overall, the university students of physical fitness in 2010 decline over the university students of physical fitness in 1999. The data shows that who took 4 years compulsory physical education courses got the best rate in physical fitness and the second one took 3 years compulsory physical education courses, the third one took 2 years compulsory physical education courses, the last one took one year compulsory physical education courses or non. According to the university students' physical fitness difference analysis in different course system, the research showed that there are significant differences in height, weight, BMI, sitting forward bending, one-minute sit-ups, standing long jump and 1600/800m running. And the research shows that public schools significantly better than private schools. Conclusion: the physical education course is the regular exercise time for university students. It can keep basic physical fitness by regular exercise. In the medical aspect, the research suggests that students should take at least 3 years or more physical education courses to keeping lifelong exercise habits.
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1684-1018
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 李俞麟
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/90778 )
