學年 101
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2013-01-01
作品名稱 宜蘭縣國中小學教師之戶外教學認知研究
作品名稱(其他語言) School Teachers’ Perceptions of Outdoor Education in Yilan
著者 曾鈺琪; 鄭辰旋; 謝顥音
單位 淡江大學英美語言文化學系
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 環境教育研究 (9)2,頁57-90
摘要 2008年教育部將校外教學正式納入國中小學校課程,2010年《環境教育法》通過並鼓勵戶外學習,開啟戶外教學新的發展階段。本文運用三次焦點團體座談,收集22位宜蘭縣國中小學教師之戶外教學經驗,並參考 Strauss和Corbin編碼程序進行資料分析,嘗試從教師觀點,重新探討戶外教學的定義與應有的重要元素。 本文將受訪教師的戶外教學經驗整理為「戶外教學定義」、「戶外教學規劃原則」、「以體驗為核心的學習模式」與「戶外教學的學習成效」等四大範疇,前兩者屬教學面,後兩者屬學習面。「離開學校與教室」、「離開單調、僵化、制式的學習情境」是受訪教師定義戶外教學的兩大必要條件。但優質的戶外教學規劃還須創造以感官體驗為核心的學習情境,並善用寓教於樂、課程整合與補充教學等原則,使學生獲得學校無法提供的新經驗與正向學習情緒,並提高師生共同學習的興趣和效果。 本文依據研究結果指出未來可進一步探討之研究主題,並提出相關的戶外教學實務建議。 The Education Board in Taiwan included outdoor education into school curriculum in 2008, and the Environmental Education Law was passed in 2010 to encourage implementation of outdoor education. This study aims to explore teachers’ perceptions of outdoor education, teaching principles and effectiveness of outdoor education. The authors conducted three focus groups with school teachers and utilized Strauss and Corbin’s coding techniques to analyze data. This study found that teachers’ perceptions of outdoor education can be categorized into four components: the definition, the characteristics, learning patterns and learning outcomes. According to the participants, outdoor education not only includes different learning environments, but also integrates recreation, curriculum design and supplementary teaching materials to develop efficient experiential learning. The findings of this study provide suggestions regarding future curriculum design and planning to environmental educators.
關鍵字 戶外教學; 戶外教育; 體驗學習; outdoor teaching; outdoor education; experiential learning
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1729-7141
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 曾鈺琪
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/97273 )
