學年 89
學期 1
發表日期 2000-10-04
作品名稱 證券商網站採行客戶關係管理系統之實證研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study on Adopting Web-Based Customer Relationship Management System (CRMS) of the Local Stock Broker
著者 黃振中; 呂麗琴
作品所屬單位 淡江大學資訊管理學系
出版者 臺北大學管理學院
會議名稱 2000國際電子商務理論與實務研討會=2000 International Conference on the Theories and Practices of Electronic Commerce
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 使用網際網路進行股票買賣交易,讓投資人享有低手續費支出、免費的資訊取得、無時空限制的交易環境、個人化差異性服務等多項行銷通路優勢,於是愈來愈多的投資人開始上網進行投資活動。證券商該如何結合網站應用技術與客戶關係管理理念,在網站上提供投資人差異化訂製型的投資理財服務,並且利用這些個人化服務機能結合網路下單機制,提昇營業績效達到雙贏效果,將是一項值得證券商深入探討的課題。本文參考了相關文獻,建構了一個研究架構,其中包涵了組織外部環境因素、組織內部環境因素及資訊系統因素等三個構面,並衍生出多項研究變數。並針對這些研究變數與系統機能設計了兩份問卷分別針對證券商以及具有上網投資經驗的投資人為問卷對象。經資料分析後發現,所有受訪者多認同客戶關係管理工作之重要性,然而目前網站內之作業機能卻仍以滿足大眾化客戶需求為主。 Because Investor can paying lower stock trading fee, accessing free information, trading without time and environment constraint and personal customized service by trading stock on Internet, more and more people start to invest in stock on Internet. With the Internet investing and personal marketing era coming, how shouldstockbrokers face the new economic age and combine the Internet technology, the concept of customer relationship management and Internet-based stock trading system in order to keep well interaction with investor by providing personal customized service and improve business profits. This is an important issue for stockbrokers to discuss. An enterprise adopt new information technology is often affected by several factors as environment, system benefits and system risks. In this article, we first built a research framework which including the external environment factor, the internal organization factor, and characteristics of the information system. Secondly, we designed two questionnaires based on this framework, recondition seventeen personal investment service items and collected some empirical data by browsing many stockbrokers's web site, collecting many software house data, mailing questionnaire. After analyzed the data, we found that : (1) most of stockbroker's web site systems are developed by outsourcing; (2) with the popular in Internet online stock trading, invest web sites and stockbroker's web sites have been a important investment information access channel; (3) all interviewees ratified the value of the CRMS even though lacking of most functions in the current web servers; (4) in all affect factors, external environment factors are recognized more important than internal organization factors and system risk factors are more important than system profit factors (5) the view from stockbrokers and investors of the ranking of seventeen personal customized services, have positive relation and only two items have notice difference.
關鍵字 客戶關係管理;電子商務;股票交易;一對一個人化行銷;證券商;Customer Relationship Management;Electronic Commerce;Stock Exchange;One-To-One Marketing;Securities Firm
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20001004~20001007
國別 TWN
出處 國際電子商務理論與實務研討會論文集:PartI=Proceedings of International Conference on the Theories and Practices of Electronic Commerce:Part I,頁16-1-16-30

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/22991 )
