學年 102
學期 1
發表日期 2013-12-05
作品名稱 運輸課程採英語授課之困境與突破-以商管學生修習英語運輸工程為例
作品名稱(其他語言) The challenge and breakthrough of transportation EMI courses-A study of business students' case
著者 羅美蘭; 鍾智林
作品所屬單位 淡江大學運輸管理學系
出版者 臺北市:中華民國運輸學會
會議名稱 2013年中華民國運輸年會暨學術論文研討會
會議地點 宜蘭, 臺灣
摘要 英語授課為臺灣高等教育國際化指標之一,本研究彙整國內運輸科系英語授課概況,探討各校課程特性、教師背景與授課獎勵,釐清高教運輸領域英語授課之優缺點及對策,並以運輸工程為實例,分析工程科目採英語授課對商管學生之影響,結果顯示1. 該課程獲得學生高度肯定,不論教師專業態度、教學內容、教學方法與學習效果均不遜於其他科目;2. 學生英聽與閱讀明顯進步,惟受口語能力限制,教師需應用多元教學技巧以提升課堂互動;3. 對於因英語授課而影響學習成效的疑慮,教師應於學期初與學生溝通教學目標,並要求落實預習及複習;4. 艱深的單元宜輔以中文解說及練習題,降低商管學生對數理運算的恐懼。 English-medium instruction (EMI) is an indicator of internationalization for higher education in Taiwan. This research compiled EMI practices in the transportation field, including course characteristics, instructors’ background, and reward schemes for EMI. Pros and cons and strategies were proposed, followed by a case study assessing the impacts of English Transportation Engineering provided for business majors. It was found that 1. The course was highly appreciated by the students regarding the instructor’s expertise,contents, teaching methods, and learning effectiveness that were inferior to other courses; 2. The students made significant progress on English listening and reading, albeit their speaking abilities were still limited and multi-teaching techniques were thus essential to classroom interactions; 3. Instructors and students should reach consensuses on the course objectives, and minimize the concern of “English learning or content learning” by previewing and reviewing teaching materials; and 4. Chinese supplementations and exercises are suggested for difficult units to reduce business majors’ math/physics-phobia.
關鍵字 英語授課;英語教學;運輸工程;學習成效;English-medium instruction;English teaching and learning;transportation engineering;learning effectiveness
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20131205~20131206
通訊作者 鍾智林
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 2013年中華民國運輸年會暨學術論文研討會論文集, 18頁

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/96153 )
