學年 94
學期 1
發表日期 2005-11-18
作品名稱 從永續發展與經濟發展的角度探討台灣人口政策之合理性
著者 張保興; 林冠銀
作品所屬單位 淡江大學水資源及環境工程學系
會議名稱 第十八屆環境規劃與管理研討會
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 台灣當前之人口政策---鼓勵婦女生育率提高。目的在於減緩台灣人口老齡化所導致勞動人口銳減,進而拖延國家經濟的發展。其規劃之方向仍以經濟發展為政策擬定的主軸。然而,在資源與能源缺乏的限制下,人口過剩的台灣將獨自承擔人口過剩的後果。人口政策的規劃在沒有考慮納入台灣自身可永續利用之環境資源,台灣當前之人口政策便是朝向不永續的未來。進而質疑台灣當前人口政策之合理性。人口老齡化對杜會、經濟帶來一定負擔是存在,但並不是絕對的。而人口與經濟發展之間的關係亦非絕對性的相互成長。台灣在面對人口轉換期進入人口老化的過程中,應加強全人與科技教育之規劃,並提升人口素質以符合全球化的知識經濟潮流,才是國家真正的永續政策。台灣的經濟發展勢必受到人口結構的轉變而經歷一段陣痛期。然而,經濟成功最好的方向,是國家的創造力和社會的責任。有鑒於此,台灣政府應推行「菁英化的人口政策」,以緩和眾多的經濟、環境與社會問題。利用少量人口就能夠帶動國家整體經濟發展,以知識經濟為主軸創造高科技與高附加產值的產業。秉持永續發展的理念,借鏡荷蘭經濟環境型態,以知識、創意的高品質人才做為經濟動力的基礎,進而邁向永續社會的目標。 Currently, the population policy in Taiwan is to encourage women to rise up birthrate. Sharply declining labor force could delay the development of economy by the aging population society. Economic development is still the main goal of this aging population policy. However, under the limitations of resources and energy deficient, Taiwan will undertake the result of overpopulation and toward an unsustainable future. Further rational discussion on the current Taiwan's population policy is needed. Aging population is bringing burdens to society and economy in the country, but is not absolutely. The positive relation ship between population and economic development is not always facing the aging population process, Taiwan should necessary strengthen policies on science and technology researches, whole person education plan, and globalization of knowledge and economic. These are the sustainable development policies in the country. Inevitably, Taiwan will experience economic difficulties during the transformation period of population structure. The creation of the country and the responsibilities of the society are the most important factors and directions to a successful economy. In view of this, the Taiwan government should promote "The elite population policy", and mollify numerous economic, environmental and social problems. A small group of population can lead the national economic development. Adhere to the principle of the sustainable development. Holland showed the world that economic and the size of population may not be a necessary combination. Knowledge and creativity empower Taiwan's economic development toward a sustainable society.
關鍵字 台灣人口政策;永續發展;永續人口政策;情境分析;文獻評析法;Taiwan population policy;Sustainable development;Sustainable population policy;Scenarios analysis;Document analysis
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國內
研討會時間 20051118~20051119
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 第十八屆環境規劃與管理研討會論文集,8頁

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/95742 )
