學年 96
學期 1
發表日期 2007-12-04
作品名稱 城際型交通資訊服務系統商業模式建立之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study on Establishing the Business Model of Traffic Information Service System of the Intercity Type
著者 陳敦基; 李誌嘉; 賴順庭
作品所屬單位 淡江大學運輸管理學系
會議名稱 中華民國運輸學會96 年年會暨學術論文國際研討會:追求更永續的運輸:挑戰與機會= The 2007 International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation: Challenges and Opportunities Towards More Sustainable Transportation
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 隨著資訊與通訊科技日新月異,各國皆以智慧型運輸系統解決交通運輸問題,其中,先進用路人資訊服務其目的為提供用路人即時的交通資訊及路線導引,協助用路人做有效的旅運決策。以政府促進民間參與智慧型運輸建設之前提,分析政府、民間業者參與城際型交通資訊服務系統營運之商業模式。透過調查問卷,及利用敘述性偏好情境設計取得旅運者對於交通資訊服務系統提供之偏好程度及旅運特性,預測未來市場需求。為估計城際型交通資訊服務系統之市場需求,利用個體運具選擇模式分析旅運者使用交通資訊之選擇行為,有使用交通資訊習慣分為使用行動通訊設備及使用非行動通訊設備,另亦考慮無使用交通資訊習慣之旅運者。利用敘述性偏好資料分別建立多項與巢式羅吉特模式,並以最大概似法進行模式校估,結果發現多項羅吉特模式具較佳解釋能力。另一方面,由模式校估結果顯示出,當使用成本越高,其使用行動通訊或非行動通訊設備查詢交通資訊之意願越低;當旅行長度為短程,其查詢加值型交通資訊之意願較低,然而長程旅次查詢交通資訊意願較高;越年輕階層之旅運者,對於查詢交通資訊之意願越高。當交通資訊會員費率類型之月租費及費率變動時,其選擇機率與費率變動成正向關係。另外,選擇機率之機率變動量之分析結果,於費率變動在-50%的情況下,每1%之變動量最為明顯,其變動程度為?1%變動0.0000423414 In the recent years with the progress of Information and communication science and technology, the Intelligent Transportation System has been applied to solve the In the recent years with transportation problem by the various countries. Wherein the Advanced Traveler Information Services is built to provide the real time traffic information and the guidance of route, and also assist the road user to make the decision of travel efficiently. This study aims to development the business model that is used to analysis the government and the private operator participating the deployment and operation of the traffic information service system. Besides the questionnaire of the stated preference survey is utilized to collect the degree of preference and the characteristic of travel for the traffic information service, in order to predict the market reverence in the future. In the revenue of the system, the study applied Disaggregate Modal Choice Model to analyze the traveler's choice behavior on the usage of the traffic information, wherein the user types include the traveler used to use the traffic information via the mobile and non-mobile approaches, and the traveler not used to do. The stated preference data is used to develop the multinomial and the nested Logit models in the study. The calibration of models which employed the maximum likelihood ratio method shows the multinomial Logit model posses the better result of explanation, then it is used to estimate the original business revenue, which is from the rates of the basic service and the added value service.
關鍵字 交通資訊服務;商業模式;個體運具選擇模式;多項羅吉特模式;Traffic information service;Business model;Disaggregate modal choice model;Multinomial Logit model
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20071204~20071206
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 中華民國運輸學會96年年會暨學術論文國際研討會:追求更永續的運輸:挑戰與機會論文集=Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation:Challenges and Opportunities Towards More Sustainable Transportation,21頁

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/95467 )
