學年 90
學期 1
發表日期 2001-09-25
作品名稱 俄羅斯亞太政策與作為
作品名稱(其他語言) Russia's Asia-Pacific Policy and Its Implementation
著者 趙春山
作品所屬單位 淡江大學中國大陸研究所
會議名稱 第一屆兩岸遠景論壇亞太情勢與兩岸關係學術研討會
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 蘇聯解體以後,俄羅斯作為一個繼承者,即開始進行對外政策的重估,並計劃建構一套新的亞太政策來因應俄羅斯新的地緣政治位置,以及能為俄羅斯的國家利益服務。俄羅斯的亞太政策,重點在於維護一個安全的環境,使西伯利亞和俄屬遠東地區,得以加速發展。對俄國而言,這些地區的經濟建設,可以提供俄羅斯擴大其對亞洲影響力的物質基礎。為了達成亞太政策的目標,俄羅斯已採取行動,致力強化其與亞洲主要國家的關係,推動亞太安全機制,並且參與地區性的經濟合作。在政策實施過程中,俄羅斯已獲致有限的成果。許多亞洲國家開始把俄羅斯看作一個地區強權。然而,俄羅斯與其鄰國之間的歷史性矛盾,仍然不可輕忽。 Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia, as its naturalsuccessor, has reassessed the former Soviet Union's foreign policy andhas planned to formulate a new Asian policy that will accommodateitself to a new geopolitical position and hence, will serve Russia'snational interests. In the realm of Russia's Asia-Pacific policy, theprimary concern is to safeguard environmental security that world helpto accelerate the development of Siberia and the Far East. Actually,it is the economic build-up in those areas that would help to providethe material basis for Moscow to expand its influence in Asia. Inorder to achieve its policy goals, Russia has taken steps to seekenhanced relations with the major countries in Asia, promotion ofAsia-pacific security mechanism, and participation in regionaleconomic cooperation. The implementation of Russia's Asia-pacificpolicy gains limited success. Although Russia is regarded by manyAsian countries as a regional power, however, the historicalcontradictions in the relations between Russia and its neighborsshould not be overlooked.
關鍵字 俄羅斯;亞太地區;外交政策;國家利益;地緣政治;Russia;Asia-Pacific Region;Foreign Policy;National Interest;Geopolitics
語言 zh_TW
研討會時間 20010925~20010926
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 第一屆兩岸遠景論壇亞太情勢與兩岸關係學術研討會論文集

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/94875 )
