台灣高鐵土建工程品質管理系統探討一以C295 標為例
學年 94
學期 1
發表日期 2005-12-19
作品名稱 台灣高鐵土建工程品質管理系統探討一以C295 標為例
作品名稱(其他語言) Quality Management System on Civil Construction of Taiwan High Speed Rail Project-C295 As An Illustrative
著者 鄭在仁
作品所屬單位 淡江大學營建系
出版者 臺北縣淡水鎮:淡江大學技術學院
會議名稱 2005兩岸鐵道工程技術與營運管理學術研討會
會議地點 臺北市; 臺北縣; 宜蘭, 臺灣
摘要 台灣高速鐵路是北從台北南到高雄所形成的一條全長345 公里之高鐵走廊,以BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)模式由政府交由台灣高鐵股份有限公司(簡稱台高)投資約的150億元美金興建(Build)與管運(Operate) ,並於特許營運期滿後,再將高鐵系統移轉(Transfer)給政府。台高將全線土建劃分為12 標段,以統包模式將設計、監造及施工全部交由各標段之聯合承攬商, (簡稱N) 負責.迄今全長345 公里的高鐵土建結構已於2004年5 月5 日完成貫通聯結,可望於2006 年10 月達成通車目標。 本文以筆者參與之C295 標為例,說明如何在台高的要求下,依契約及IS09001 (1994年版)品質管理系統規定,辦理土建工程之品質管理。另在緊迫之工期內,台高採行邊設計邊施工模式,此機制成敗有賴設計者、JV 、承包商獨立查核工程司、專業廠商、介面單位、台高及台高聘請獨立審查作業者之配合與協調及JV 設計品保經理之監控,文內亦有敘述。 綜言之有別於傳統的品管,台高以會議、觀察、稽查、調查等手法,充分掌控JV的設計與施工之品質,而JV 則以品質計畫、程序書、工法說明、檢驗與試驗計畫、不合格品記錄、稽查等手法,確保設計、材料與施工的品質,事實證明是有效可行。 The Taiwan High Speed Railway is approximately 345km in length along the Taiwan island's western plain from Taipei in the north to Kaohsuing in the south. The Taiwan High Speed Railway Corporation (THSRC) was awarded the project by the government under the BOT(Build - Operate - Transfer) model. The Project divided the civil construction work into 12 sections and selected international contractor in joint venture with locale partners (JV) to construct the works on turnkey basis. The civil construction works commenced in early 2000, and all civil structures were completed in early May 2004. The whole project is expected to service the public by the end of 2006 as schedule adjusted. C295, in which the author has participated as Design Quality Assurance Manager, is chosen as an example to illustrate the implementation of Quality Management System based on IS0900 1 (1994) principles on civil construction project with design and construction proceeded concurrently to meet the tight schedule. To ensure this process going satisfactory, the JV was requested by contract to employ an independent third party "Independent Checking Engineers" (CICE) to check and certify all the on going design and construction work. The success of this mechanism is based on the communication and co-operation among JV, Designer, CICE, material supplier, THSRC, ICE/ISE, and IV&V and also the controlling of the N QA Personnel. THSRC, as a monitoring body, is controlling the project quality through meeting, monitoring, auditing and surveillance. JV is controlling the project quality by following ISO 9001 (1994) requirements in setting up Quality Policy, Quality Plan, Procedures, Method of Statement, Inspection and Test Plan and Nonconformance Record, and through Auditing and "Quality Management Review Meeting" reviewing those quality documents, and taking corrective and preventive action for continuous improvement in design and construction works.
關鍵字 高速鐵路;興建一營運一移轉模式;聯合承攬商;承包商獨立查核工程司;IS0900 1 (1 994 年版)品質管理系統規定;High Speed Railway; BOT model. Joint Venture;CICE;IS09001(1994) Quality Management System Requirements
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 兩岸
校內研討會地點 臺北校園; 淡水校園; 蘭陽校園
研討會時間 20051219~20051221
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 2005兩岸鐵道工程技術與營運管理學術研討會論文集,頁271-290

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