學年 99
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2011-07-01
作品名稱 台北捷運車站清潔外包契約管理實務及效益分析
作品名稱(其他語言) Management Practices and Effect Analysis of Station Cleaning Outsourced Contract on Taipei Metro Stations
著者 楊泰良; 魏宏羽
單位 淡江大學運輸管理學系
出版者 臺北市:臺北大眾捷運股份有限公司
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 軌道經營與管理=Railway Operation & Management 9,頁114-123
摘要 臺北捷運系統車站整齊清潔之環境,深受多數國內外旅客讚許,並建立良好之印象,然臺北捷運系統於路網逐漸形成且路線範圍擴充下,車站旅運量亦隨之大幅增加,如何建立清潔標準作業程序及提昇清潔工法,以有效維持車站清潔,提供旅客乾淨、舒適之乘車空間是一重要議題。臺北捷運公司為兼顧降低成本及維持車站清潔,採用將車站清潔工作外包予專業合格清潔廠商之策略,除由清潔廠商提供專業服務,可有效維持車站清潔,有助提昇整體旅客服務品質,亦可減少自辦經營方式所須之經費,達到企業永續經營之目標。本文將綜整說明臺北捷運車站清潔管理方式、清潔工法內容及成效等實務執行狀況,並針對自辦與外包兩者之效益進行分析與檢討。 All domestic/foreign passengers are impressed by Taipei Metro's clean and tidy environment. With the expansion in the Taipei Metro network, transport volume has increased substantially. Therefore, how to set up cleaning standard operating procedures and enhance cleaning method to effectively maintain station cleanliness and provide passengers with a clean and comfortable space is an important issue. The strategy of outsourcing cleaning services to qualified professional cleaning contractors can enhance service quality and reduce the recruitment cost so as to achieve the goal of perpetual development of the Taipei Metro. In this article, we will compile the actual implementation situation, including management and cleaning methods, effects, etc. Also, we perform an effect analysis and review between in-house employees and outsourced janitors.
關鍵字 清潔; 工法; Cleaning; Methods
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1996-319X
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

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