學年 96
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2007-12-01
作品名稱 臺北捷運車站站務員勞務外包之成效分析
作品名稱(其他語言) The Analysis About Effects of Station Staff Outsourcing, Taipei Metro
著者 楊泰良; 辜有文
單位 淡江大學運輸管理學系
出版者 臺北市:臺北大眾捷運股份有限公司
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 軌道經營與管理=Railway Operation & Management 2,頁77-88
摘要 臺北捷運系統於路網形成且逐漸擴充路線範圍下,各車站旅運量亦大幅增加,伴隨而來之票務處理、旅客諮詢服務、安全監督及異常事件處理等業務需求亦相對的成長,因此,車站服務人力勢必增加,以確保服務品質。在考量車站服務特性與管理機制,用人成本之成長控管,以及國內人力外包市場已成熟發展等因素,車站最基層站務員適宜開始試辦勞務外包之策略,除可增加站務服務人力維持旅客服務品質外,亦可降低用人成本,達到企業永續經營之目標。 經評估車站管理與站務運作機制,並兼顧旅客服務及維持系統安全運作下,挑選部分車站站務員的業務,採勞務外包方式來執行,即自2004年6月開始試辦32名站務員勞務外包作業,且逐年檢討外包合約管理及實施範圍,迄2007年站務外包人數已擴大為111名,約佔總站務員人力的三分之一。本文將彙整近年執行站務員勞務外包,在用人成本、業務執行成效、差勤管理能力等績效方面,與正職站務員作比較分析,以及探討推動站務員勞務外包之經驗,以提供營運機構推動勞務外包之探討。 With the expansion in the Taipei Metro network, transport volume has increased substantially. For this reason, the demands for dealing with ticketing, inquiry service, safety monitoring, and handling irregularities has also increased. Manpower requirements for station staff have certainly increased. On account of station service characteristics and management mechanism, controlling the growing recruitment cost, and the mature outsourcing market, we outsourced station staff positions for a trial period. This can add manpower for station staff but reduce the recruitment cost so as to achieve the goal of perpetual development of the Taipei Metro. After evaluating station management and the operational mechanism, on the premise that in order to look after passenger service and maintain system safety, part of station staff could be outsourced. In the first stage, we recruited 32 outsourced station staff for a trial and reviewed the outsourcing contract year by year. The number of outsourced staff has increased to 111 as of 2007, approximately one-third of total station staff. In this article, we will compile the effects of this policy and perform a statistical analysis between outsourced station staff and inhouse employees in many ways, such as recruitment cost, work attendance and performance, etc. Experiences about station staff outsourcing accumulated over the years can be made available for other transportation organizations' reference.
關鍵字 外包; 正職; Outsourced; Employed
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1996-319X
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/92911 )
