Investigating Feedbacks in Instructional Design Model Using Weak Tie Approach
學年 102
學期 1
發表日期 2013-09-11
作品名稱 Investigating Feedbacks in Instructional Design Model Using Weak Tie Approach
著者 Hsu, Chia-ling
作品所屬單位 淡江大學師資培育中心
出版者 Spriniger
會議名稱 ICCCI 2013 5th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications
會議地點 Craiova, Romania
摘要 This paper investigated the efficiency of the feedbacks which was analyzed with the weak tie approach, the integrating the grounded theory and the text mining technology. Using this approach, the rare and important chances may be found. These chances may improve the quality of the service learning activities and may enhance the pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy. In this study, the ADDIE model was employed in developing the service activities. The feedbacks were the reflections from those who attended the service learning activities. Weak tie approach was engaged in order to find the chances which may make the service activities better. Moreover, the weak tie approach of analyzing feedback may enhance the pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy. The significance of this paper is to propose the weak tie approach for enriching the feedback efficiency.
關鍵字 Curriculum and instruction;instructional design;teacher education;weak tie;knowledge management
語言 en
收錄於 EI
研討會時間 20130911~20130913
通訊作者 徐加玲
國別 ROU
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 ICCCI 2013 5th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications , LNAI 8083, pp.549–561

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