學年 101
學期 2
發表日期 2013-05-17
作品名稱 高齡機車駕駛者路段交通事故特性分析
著者 張勝雄; 張開國; 陳品帆
作品所屬單位 淡江大學運輸管理學系
出版者 臺北市:臺灣老人學學會
會議名稱 2013第一屆臺灣老人學學會年會暨國際學術研討會「2013人口老化:挑戰與因應」
會議地點 臺北市, 臺灣
摘要 機車是台灣日常使用最為普遍的運具,雖然駕駛機車具危險性,由於機車的便利性,機車仍是很重要的交通工具。許多高齡者在日常活動中使用機車為運具,尤其是大眾運輸服務不足的郊區。有許多嚴重的交通事故是發生在路段上,但很少研究探討路段事故發生原因,本研究利用內政部警政署民國95年至民國99年道路交通事故資料庫,分析高齡機車駕駛者路段事故,以了解高齡機車駕駛者路段事故的主要事故特性。高齡機車駕駛者路段交通事故共計22,861人次(32.5%),其中以雙車事故17,813人次(78%)比例最高。本研究進一步分析雙車事故之碰撞分析,分析結果發現路段上之主要三種事故類型為同向擦撞、側撞及追撞。依據事故分析結果,本研究彙整高齡駕駛者在路段應特別注意的交通安全觀念,希望能提高他們的機車安全駕駛觀念,幫助他們避免交通事故的發生。 In Taiwan, motorcycles are a popular mode of transportation. Although motorcycles are a dangerous transportation mode, they still play an important role because they are a convenient means of transportation. Numerous seniors ride motorcycles for their daily activities, especially in rural areas where public transportation is infrequent or nonexistent. There have been numerous serious accidents involving senior motorcyclists occurring in straight lanes, but there are few studies investigating the causalities for this type of accident. This study aims to identify the accident characteristics for senior motorcyclists by analyzing crash data involving elderly motorcyclists from 2006 through 2010. In total, 22,861 (32.5%) senior motorcyclists were involved in accidents occurring in straight lanes, and 17,813 (77.9%) of these were two-vehicle accidents. We investigate two-vehicle accidents to understand their accident characteristics, and our results show that the three major accident types in straight lanes are the following: the sideswipe accident not resulting from an improper turn, the sideswipe accident resulting from an improper turn and the rear-end accident. Based on the analysis results, we provide a summary of safety concepts for senior motorcyclists to increase their safety awareness and help them avoid traffic accidents.
關鍵字 高齡駕駛者;事故碰撞特性;碰撞分析;senior motorcyclists;crash characteristics;collision analysis
語言 zh_TW
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20130517~20130518
通訊作者 張勝雄
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 2013第一屆臺灣老人學學會年會暨國際學術研討會「2013人口老化:挑戰與因應」,18頁

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/92387 )


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