學年 101
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2013-07-01
作品名稱 大專教職員工心理資本與組織承諾之探討
作品名稱(其他語言) The Investigation on the Psychological Capital and Organization Commitment of College Faculty
著者 王元聖
單位 淡江大學體育事務處
出版者 新北市:真理大學運動知識學院
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 運動知識學報=TAMSUI OXFORD Journal of Sports Knowledge 10,頁83-90
摘要 本研究的目的在探討大專教職員工的心理資本與組織承諾之影響。研究方法包括以立意抽樣,進行問卷收集,研究對象為參與101年度全國教職員工桌球錦標賽共645人,但實際願意接受問卷填答者為351人,有效問卷237份佔總問卷數68%;統計方法則採取多元迴歸分析。研究結果:一、心理資本和組織承諾的相關分析而言:「規範性承諾」、「留職性承諾」呈現顯著部分正相關,與「情感性承諾」未達顯著相關。二、針對各變項之影響性而言:(一)就規範性承諾與心理資本達顯著性,其中以希望向度影響最高(β=.32)、樂觀(β=.21)、自我效能感(β=.17),韌性則無顯著性。(二)就留職性承諾與心理資本達顯著性,其中以韌性向度影響最高(β=.28)、樂觀(β=.23)。結果顯示,對規範性承諾與心理資本具有重要的影響力;留職性承諾而言,只有韌性與樂觀具有重要的影響力。而情感性承諾與心理資本的各向度皆無影響力。綜合結論:其原因是本研究對象皆屬於高等教育的專業知識份子,對於本身的自我要求與道德責任都要求的比較高。在競爭激烈的高等教育裡,大專教職員所面臨的是無時無刻的自我充實,以因應被淘汰的壓力,因此,造就自我高度的抗壓性與樂觀進取的態度,對於學校的續留問題產生明顯的影響力。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological capital and organization commitment of the college faculty. Purpose sampling was applied as the approach and the objects focused on the players in the National Table Tennis Tournament for the College Faculty in 2012. 351 out of 645 players filled out the questionnaires. 237 effective questionnaires, which accounted for the rate of 68%, were collected and analyzed by multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were summarized below. First, with regard to the analysis of psychological capital and organization commitment, psychological capital had significant relationship with specification commitment and tool commitment, but had no significant relationship with emotional commitment. Second, for the influence of each variable, specification commitment and psychological capital had signification relationship, especially on the elements of “Hope” (β=.32), “Optimism” (β=.21), and “Self-efficacy” (β=.17); contrarily, “Resiliency” showed no significant relationship. Additionally, tool commitment and psychological capital had significant relationship, especially on the element of “Resiliency” (β=.28) and “Optimism” (β=.23). In sum, both organization commitment and psychological commitment had great influence. With respect to tool commitment, “Resiliency” and “Optimism” proved important influence; on the contrary, emotional commitment and psychological capital had no influence. We could conclude that the objects of the study were all professional intellectual who were responsible for higher self-discipline and moralities. In the competitive environment of higher education, college faculty need to expand their horizons at all times in response to disqualification from work. Therefore, the attitudes of high anti-pressure under the work and optimism have become the key factors for the survival at school.
關鍵字 正向心理學;規範性承諾;情感性承諾;留職性承諾;positive psychology;specification commitment;emotional commitment;tool commitment
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1816-532X
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 王元聖
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/91868 )
