學年 95
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2006-09-01
作品名稱 資訊、雜訊與新上市公司股票績效
作品名稱(其他語言) Information, Noise, and the Performance of IPO
著者 陳振遠; 王朝仕; 湯惠雯
單位 淡江大學保險學系
出版者 高雄市:中山大學管理學術研究中心
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 中山管理評論=Sun Yat-Sen Management Review 14(3),頁605-637
摘要 一般而言,市場上存在資訊不對稱的現象,即投資人所擁有的相關資訊是不一致的,故許多研究即在探討投資人在無法完全瞭解或獲取資訊的情況下,而僅能以其主觀偏好或其他非理性的行為進行投資決策的判斷,即雜訊交易(noise trade)的行為。因此,在投資人雜訊交易行為的影響下,難以保證理性價格的存在;換言之,雜訊交易可能會影響均衡價格的形成過程。由於新上市公司股票(initial public offerings, IPO)在上市初期,並無過去股票價格可供投資人參考,導致雜訊交易將影響其績效表現(洪振虔、吳欽杉與陳安琳,2002)。因此,IPO績效也成為比較資訊績效與雜訊績效的最佳範例。
 然而,很直覺地思考,若投資人能知悉內部資訊(inside information)或私有資訊(private information),則獲取超額報酬的機會必將大幅提高。但本研究認為單純衡量內部資訊的困難度頗高,且一般投資人相對難以擁有內部資訊來源,故並無法廣泛發展交易策略。再者,本研究所設計之資訊集合中,除了IPO過去績效的資訊外,尚有過去其他衝擊因素,而該衝擊因素即包括所有可能的影響因素。因此,本研究所設計之資訊集合應能完整的描述目前的股票績效。While the investors can't understand or obtain totally accurate information, they may develop investing strategy by preference or irrational behavior that is commonly known as ”noise trade”. Noise trade adversely affects the process of equilibrium price, most notably during the inception of IPO, which prevents past prices from being used as reference. Therefore, the IPO stock performance becomes the best way to compare information- and noise-performance. According to return predictability and logic of ARMA, we separate the equilibrium price into information and noise components and they are also the proxy variables of information- and noise-performance. We find out that information-performance is not only higher but also steadier in long-term tendency than noise-performance, and noise-performance is far more fluctuating and those investing by noise accept significantly higher risks, and generate less revenue than those investing by information. Consequently, the more reliable information available will greatly increase the chance of tipping the scales to affect the fundamental relationship between risk and return.
關鍵字 新上市公司股票;雜訊交易;效率市場假說;混合自我迴歸移動平均模式;Fama-French三因子模式;IPO;noise trade;efficient market hypothesis;ARMA;Fama-French three factors model
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1023-2842
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 陳振遠
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/61258 )
