學年 94
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2005-11-01
作品名稱 吉訶德:貴族子弟的悲歌
作品名稱(其他語言) Don Quixote: Tragedy of Hidalgo
著者 陳小雀
單位 淡江大學西班牙語文學系
出版者 臺北市:臺灣大學出版中心
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 中外文學=Chung-Wai Literary Monthly 34(6)=402,頁97-114
摘要 外表瘋癲的吉訶德,有著高貴的理想,雖然他知道美夢會成空,但仍奮戰不懈,因而落入薛西弗斯的神話意象,成為荒謬人的象徵。杜西內婭是吉訶德內在完美的安尼瑪形象,並賦予他對抗邪惡的勇氣與力量。吉訶德與杜西內婭的人物原型勾勒出一個極盡完美的圖像:英雄蓋世的武士和豔麗絕倫的美人。《吉訶德》宛如一面明鏡,鑑照二元對立的世界,反映出作者塞萬提斯的一生,也代表遊俠騎士的生活,更象徵西班牙帝國黃金世紀的興衰。本論文試圖以歷史角度,窺探主人翁吉訶德背後的騎士原型,並從騎士原型拼湊出十六世紀西班牙征服者的容顏、出身、欲壑,探索左右時代的英雄榮譽思想、淑女崇拜、濟弱扶傾信念,解析天主教傳道福音的聖戰精神,以及貴族子弟如何對抗西班牙的矛盾社會。 In spite of his apparent craziness, Don Quixote sticks to his ideals. Although he knows that his dreams will vanish, he still fights for his destiny; therefore he falls into the Sisyphus metaphor, and becomes a
 symbol of an absurd person. Dulcinea is the perfect anima of Don Quixote; she gives him courage and power to conquer the evil. Don Quixote and Dulcinea present an impeccable image: a heroic knight and a beautiful lady. Don Quixote represents a binary world of ideals and facts. Indeed, this great novel is a mirror of the times Cervantes lived in, which reflects the mission of a knight errant, the manners and morals of the Golden Age of the Spanish Empire. Starting from a historical point of view, this essay will focus on the knight archetype of Quixote, from whom the life of the Spanish conquerors in the sixteenth century was revealed. I also explore the heroic deeds, which include the respect for ladies, the help to the poor, the Catholic crusade spirit in the self-contradictory feudal society.
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 0303-0849
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

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