學年 100
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2012-06-01
作品名稱 『台湾日日新報』の掲載広告に見る身体性表象
作品名稱(其他語言) 《台灣日日新報》廣告中的體性表徵=Physical-representations seen in the printing advertisement of "Taiwan Niichinich Shinpo"
著者 落合由治
單位 淡江大學日本語文學系
出版者 新北市:台灣日本語文學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 台灣日本語文學報 31,頁153-178
摘要 《台灣日日新報》廣告中,特別是有圖案的廣告,常見大多以男女當對照圖案,來廣告商品居多。本論文著眼於明治時期、大正時期、昭和時期的廣告圖樣,將廣告圖樣的主題,首先分類成人形圖樣與商品圖案兩種。再從身體性表徵來分析人形圖樣。之後再對照、比較其他圖案的表現特徵,進而考察出其中的異同。考察結果顯示:就廣告圖案整體而言,商品本身即是廣告圖案的案例,占全體8 0 %以上,此為日本殖民時代一貫宣傳商品的手法。以此為延伸,利用男性當作標記或主角,藉以提昇藥物的商標或信賴度。而身體和機器人的圖樣,也常見用於提昇藥物或商品的機能。另一方面,女性也被意識到是商品的使用消費者。對女性廣告的圖案,常是用消費者(生活者)的立場來宣傳。再者,宣傳主軸設定於男女關係或家庭和樂關係,是從大正時期以後出現。由此看來廣告中出現多樣化的身體圖案,不僅意味著消費社會的近代化,也呼應了社會逐步民主化的潮流,時代變遷的趨勢。 Many advertisements which used man and woman shapes as advertising design are looked at by the advertisement of ”Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo”. Man and woman's advertising design is contrasting the advertisement which designed products. In this paper, some samples of the Meiji term, the Taisho term, and the Showa term are chosen from ”Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo”. And this research has classified the advertisement which designed human to the advertisement which designed products, etc. Then, this research has regarded the expression feature of the advertisement which designed human as expression of physicality. Furthermore, this research has carried out comparison consideration of the expression characteristic of human body designs and other designs.As a result, by the whole design advertisement, the design of the product itself occupies not less than 80%. This fact shows consistently that the product appeal is in the mainstream in the Japanese government age. A male image is used for a medicinal trademark or appeal of reliability as a logo or a cut. The design of the body part and a robot is also advertizing the function of medicine or products. On the other hand, in the case of the female image, she is conscious as a user of a product. A woman's appearance has paid the viewpoint by the side of consumers. It is thought that diversification of such a human body design has corresponded also to social-related democratization simultaneously with modernization of Taiwan consumer society.
關鍵字 《台灣日日新報》;廣告;圖樣;身體性;表現特徵;"Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo";advertisement;design;physicality;expression characteristic
語言 jp
ISSN 1727-2262
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/70194 )
